Huck Finn Chapters 16-17
Living Large, grangerford style Chapters 16 and 17
“It was a mighty nice family…” Tacky/ Poor Taste Classy/ High Quality crockery parrots crockery cat and dog crockery basket of chipped fruit piano that sounds like two tin pans mantle clock (doesn’t run right) wild turkey wing fans brass doorknobs carpets brick fireplace books white-washed exterior curtains with castles/vines/cattle tablecloth with blue/red eagle Emmeline’s sorrowful paintings
What does your chart tell you about the Grangerfords? Appear to be classy, yet they aren’t all that they seem. Money does not automatically bring sophistication or wisdom. Wealth doesn’t protect them from hardship. Ex: Emmeline and the constant feuding/hatred that cloaks this family. Also, Twain’s message to the reader that expensive things aren’t always the best things.
Look closely at this passage: “On the table in the middle of the room was a kind of a lovely crockery basket that had apples and oranges and peaches and grapes piled up in it, which was much redder and yellower and prettier than real ones is, but they warn’t real because you could see where pieces had got chipped off and showed the white chalk, or whatever it was, underneath.” How might this chipped fruit serve as a symbol for the Grangerford family? The Grangerfords look great from the outside (they’re wealthy, healthy, and gorgeous), yet, when you get closer to them, you see the flaws, or chips, in their character and lifestyle. Hate for the Shepherdsons = major flaw
Why was Emmeline so dark Why was Emmeline so dark? What is Twain’s message to the reader in placing this girl in this family? 1800’s gothic character, obsessed with death and dying. The irony is that she died young. A mirror - or warning - about the consequences of the way these people live. Symbol of the misery behind the façade of the Grangerford family.
What’s ironic about the church sermon? It’s all about brotherly love and both the feuding families think it was a fine sermon. The message, obviously, was lost on them. Also, the men of both families bring their shotguns to the church while they listen to words of peace, love, and harmony.
What did the note in Sophia Grangerford’s Bible say? Half past two.
What scam was the “Duke” running on the nearby town? Selling a paste that takes tartar off teeth, but it also takes off the tooth’s enamel. Ouch.
What story does the Dauphin/King spin at a revival meeting at earns him $87.75? He pretends to be a reformed pirate who is going to travel to the Indian Ocean to bring more pirates to Christianity.
What does the Duke do that makes it so Jim can travel during the day now? He prints a fake reward poster with Jim’s information on it so the group can just say they’re returning a runaway slave if anyone stops them.
What scam does the Duke run that earns him $9.50? He works in an empty newspaper office, taking orders for advertisements and printing jobs while the owner is away.