The Economist’s 33 year debate on future of education www and sustainability of being human 1976's Coming Entrepreneurial Revolution; 12 week leaders debate 72 The next 40 years the NEXT 40 YEARS 84/85 40 years to sustain us all 2025 Report 1982's We're All Intrapreneurial Now; USA 1969 New world Americas N 6 1963. 82 why not silicon valley for all 1962 1967 1977 survey China Hungary 1983 1965 Asian Pacific Century 1975-2075 1965 1977 survey of Two Billion People- Asia Korea, Malaysia, Hong Kong & 20 countries East of Iran Not yet online 66 Germany 68 France 70 W Euro 72 Britain 74 Algeria 75 USA S.Af 1968
Coming October update on WBUNMA Innovation Networks Jack Ma Antonio Guterres and Jim Kim have been working on some transformative collaborations UNCTAD has so far searched out 200 tech entrepreneurs in dev countries for Jack Ma to train as part of his opening of AliBaba Global Business School Guterres asked Jack Ma and Melinda Gates to head hi-level report on Digital Cooperation to be presented March 2019 in time to release at Belt Road 2 Beijing May 2019 UNHabitat’s new director general ( formerly mayor of Penang) asks for supercity case submissions by march 2019 -so she can issue Goal 11 report to start 2020s with a green and community-centric big bang Jack Ma’s Road to Olympics: launching 2020 Jack Ma’s new partners in markets that commerce and fintech alone cant reach- eg health, education, green labs, arts, fashions, celebrities. In parallel, Jack’s other big investment is 15 Billion Dollars worldwide academy DAMO on future of AI and other open Industrial Revolution 4 Industries (in partnership with China Make 2025 and WEF and eg Jack’s Scouts at Stanford World Bank launches globalisation livelihood report at its Annual summit -Indonesia October 2018 - also platform to show Billion dollar co-financed project with AIIB to end slums How can Big Data Small fintech and edutech given these 3 most amazing spaces *Alipay mobile cash and Alibaba ecommerce as 2 of china’s top 4 innovations; jack also has partnership with china’s main poverty thinktank exploring blockchain *Bkash Bangladesh as world largest cashless banking connect MIT and mpesa and Gates coding networks as well as brac *India’s one billion universal identity coordinated over last 10 years by Nilekani previously co-founder of Infpsys- see his book Rebooting India