AS Forum, IRPA 14 Cape Town, South Africa 8 May 2016


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Presentation transcript:

AS Forum, IRPA 14 Cape Town, South Africa 8 May 2016 International Radiation Protection Association IRPA Education & Training Action Plan Certification of Radiation Protection Expert Eduardo Gallego, EC member AS Forum, IRPA 14 Cape Town, South Africa 8 May 2016

Education & Training Plan Three main lines: Cooperation with international and regional organizations dealing with E&T in Radiation Protection: IAEA, ENETRAP/EUTERP, AAHP, ETRAP conferences E&T actions within IRPA: Discussion forums during IRPA Congresses Refresher courses Webpage: with announcements and resources database Support to E&T actions organized by Associate Societies: Share, Coordinate, Networking, Young generations

Education & Training Plan Three main lines: Cooperation with international and regional organizations dealing with E&T in Radiation Protection: IAEA, ENETRAP/EUTERP, AAHP, ETRAP conferences IAEA Steering Committee on E&T in Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety (Alfred Hefner) IAEA “International Conference on Occupational Radiation Protection”, Vienna December 2014. Invited contribution “The role of professional societies in promoting radiation protection education and training” (Eduardo Gallego)

Education & Training Plan Three main lines: Cooperation with international and regional organizations dealing with E&T in Radiation Protection: IAEA, ENETRAP/EUTERP, AAHP, ETRAP conferences Advisory Board of ENETRAP and the European Training and Education in Radiation Protection Foundation (EUTERP) (Eduardo Gallego)

Education & Training Plan Three main lines: Cooperation with international and regional organizations dealing with E&T in Radiation Protection: IAEA, ENETRAP/EUTERP, AAHP, ETRAP conferences 150 participants from 37 countries Next ETRAP Conference in Valencia, Spain. 2017

Education & Training Plan Three main lines: Cooperation with international and regional organizations dealing with E&T in Radiation Protection: IAEA, ENETRAP/EUTERP, AAHP, ETRAP conferences E&T actions within IRPA: Discussion forums during IRPA Congresses Refresher courses Webpage: with announcements and resources database Support to E&T actions organized by Associate Societies: Share, Coordinate, Networking, Young generations

E & T ACTIONS 2008-20 (1) Discussion forums at IRPA congresses: AS Forums of all the Regional Congresses: IX Latin-American IRPA Regional Congress in Rio 2013; AOCRP-4 in Kuala-Lumpur 2014; 4th European IRPA Regional Congress in Geneva 2014; AFRIRPA-04 in Rabat 2014; X Latin-American IRPA Congress in Buenos Aires 2015. Main message: the IRPA Strategy Plan on Education and Training Activities (2008-2020), stressing the opportunities for AS to cooperate, coordinate and share their E&T activities. In some of the regional congresses, specific activities: “Fostering Radiation Protection culture: The educational aspect”. 4th European IRPA Regional Congress in Geneva 2014. Session on “Education & Interaction with Society”. Coordination of a Workshop on E&T in AFRIRPA-04, Rabat 2014. Presentation on “The role of IRPA on Education and Training activities (2008-2020)”. “The role of professional associations and IRPA in promoting E&T in RP”. X Latin- American IRPA Congress. Buenos Aires 2015, Plenary Session on E&T in RP.

E & T ACTIONS 2008-20 (2) Refresher courses at IRPA congresses: Refresher Courses or Seminars have been hold in each IRPA Congress Evaluation and feedback based on questionnaires to participants However, unfortunately, no feedback has been received from the Regional Congress organizers. To avoid losing this valuable information, it has been included in the annex of the IRPA rules for regional congresses as a requirement. Exploring live webinars and podcast … Improving website accessibility to texts and presentations (including RC from IRPA Regional Congresses) (searching engine)

E&T on the IRPA website IRPA Definition of Radiation Protection Expert (RPE) IRPA Education & Training: Presentation Reference documents The role of IRPA in education and training of radiation protection professionals  (2003) Christian Wernli, David Cancio and Jack Valentin IRPA Executive Council Education and Training Committee IRPA’s Contribution to E&T Activities for Radiation Protection Professionals (2009) Eduardo Gallego and Alfred Hefner IRPA Executive Council IRPA Congresses Training Material: IRPA 11 (2004) 16 Refresher Courses (Text+Powerpoint in one file) IRPA 12 (2008) 20 Refresher Courses + 3 Seminars (Powerpoint) IRPA 13 (2012) 21 Refresher Courses (Powerpoint with audio)

E&T on the IRPA website New web-based database on E&T*: Events announcements Resources *Donated by the Spanish Society of Radiological Protection Access the database (beta version)

E&T on the IRPA website Web-based database on E&T*: Objectives: Events announcements Resources Objectives: To announce training courses or activities To share and disseminate training material and resources To provide a useful tool for searching Users: all RP professionals Managers: One contact person per Associate Society. Administrator: IRPA webmaster A Training Webinar for the managers will be organized mid-July

Education & Training Plan Three main lines: Cooperation with international and regional organizations dealing with E&T in Radiation Protection: IAEA, ENETRAP/EUTERP, AAHP, ETRAP conferences E&T actions within IRPA: Discussion forums during IRPA Congresses Refresher courses Webpage: with announcements and resources database Support to E&T actions organized by Associate Societies: Share, Coordinate, Networking, Young generations

E & T ACTIONS 2008-20 (3) IRPA AS seminars, short courses, summer (or winter) schools on specialized topics. Promote coordination: Use the web-base database with searching engine in the website Support to activities which clear and openly look for professional enhancement within the IRPA family Stimulate the creation of “E & T networks” within IRPA: by societies sharing language (e.g. Latin-American societies together with Spain and Portugal) or belonging to the same region (e.g. European Radiation Protection Young Scientists Exchange Network, with pilot project for schools and universities with participation from ÖVS, FS, SFRP, NVS, NSRP and SRP) with dedicated space in the website

IRPA Task Group on E & T To develop ideas and establish priorities for the implementation of the IRPA E&T Plan To periodically review and update if necessary the IRPA E&T Plan Incorporation on an open and voluntary basis Current member from: Asia: Japan (JHPS), Korea (KARP) South America (Argentina) North America, HPS (USA) Europe: UK (SRP); FS (German-Swiss); France (SFRP); Bulgaria Africa: Nigeria IRPA EC (Alfred Hefner and Eduardo Gallego) Work by e-mail

Task Group on Certification of the Radiation Protection Expert

IRPA TG on Certification of RPE Initiated in October 2011 by former President Ken Kase Objective: To develop a document of guiding principles for the development and implementation of a certification process for Radiation Protection Expert that would be useful to IRPA Associate Societies that would like to initiate such a certification process or improve an existing process in their countries. Co-chairs: Kent Lambert, USA Colin Partington, UK IRPA EC Liaison Member: Eduardo Gallego, Spain Membership from: Australia, Austria, Canada, China, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Ukraine, Uruguay

IRPA TG on Certification of RPE Working method: Review the various certification processes currently being used in the IRPA Associate Societies (and countries), through a representative sample of countries. Review the guidance documents with regard to existing Qualifications for RPE such as those prepared by the AAHP and summarize the findings relevant to certification. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the processes for certification and guidance on qualification reviewed and elaborate a document with conclusions relevant to the guiding principles for the development and implementation of a certification process. Almost all work was communicated by e-mail with over 500 emails exchanged.

IRPA TG on Certification of RPE Working method (cont.): A first draft document was prepared and distributed to the Working Group in 2012. This draft was eventually rejected in order to get input from a larger base, All Associate Societies were asked to participate in a survey held in winter/spring 2014 Not complete, but quite representative (34 replies) Survey There was one meeting of the Working Group during the Geneva Regional IRPA Congress (June 2014). A second draft document was prepared and distributed in Autumn 2015. This second draft formed the basis of the document being discussed at IRPA14.

Survey. IRPA TG on Certification of RPE EDUCATION - What MINIMUM level of education should be established for certification of radiation protection experts?

Survey. IRPA TG on Certification of RPE EXPERIENCE - What MINIMUM number of years of work experience in radiation protection is to be recommended in the GUIDANCE, how many years should it be?

Survey. IRPA TG on Certification of RPE LEVELS OF CERTIFICATION - Should there be grades of certification such as assistant (or junior) professional / specialist / expert? (Note: these are not proposed titles, they are examples only) SPECIALTIES - Should there be certification in sub-specialties such as medical radiation safety, nuclear power plant radiation safety, accelerator radiation safety and similar?

Survey. IRPA TG on Certification of RPE CURRENT STATUS - Does your country currently have or recognize a certification process for radiation protection experts? YES: 27 replies NO: 6 replies USEFULNESS - Which of the following is the most likely result of an IRPA guidance or standard document for establishing a certification process for radiation protection experts? We would likely initiate a certification process based on the document: 7 replies We would likely substantially modify our certification process based on the document: 9 replies We would likely make minor changes to our existing process where we felt appropriate: 10 replies We would review the document but would likely NOT make substantive changes to our certification process: 7 replies

IRPA Guidance on Certification of a RPE. Table of Contents Introduction Underpinning Basis of a Certification Scheme Regulatory Background Key Attributes of a Certification Scheme Conclusions Annexes IAEA and EU Basic Safety Standards IRPA Definition of Radiation Protection Expert Model RPE Knowledge and Skills Syllabus Model Code of Practice Certification Schemes Table of Representative Schemes Accreditation Standards for Certification Boards

Key Attributes of a Certification Scheme Scheme Management and Governance Scope of the Role to be Certified Requirements for Certification as an RPE Renewals of Certifications Code of Conduct Appeals, Disciplinary Aspects, Withdrawal of Certification, Insurance Cover Accreditation Reciprocity

IRPA Guidance on Certification of a RPE The document does not offer a single template of what is required of a certification scheme. The document does provide key considerations which must be taken into account when establishing a certification scheme.

TG on Certification of RPE. Next steps. Final draft presentation / discussion / review / in Cape Town at the IRPA 14 Congress (May 2016) Incorporation of comments collected here and distribution to AS for final comments Final comments from AS by mid-September 2016 Final version for endorsement of the IRPA Executive Council in October 2016

International Radiation Protection Association