Highlights of key achievements from ASHRAE-UN Environment/OzonAction Partnership Side Event at MOP-30 Quito- Ecuador 5th November 2018
Background of ASHRAE – UNEP Cooperation Cooperation started in 2005, Global cooperation agreement signed in 2007 Why ASHRAE; ability to bring key industry experts under one roof, global confidence and acceptance for ASHRAE references plus ASHRAE presence in different countries regions Many joint events and session organized jointly with ASHRAE Joint Working Group established to ensure timely implementation and follow-up on the work plans and activities.
Working Beyond High-GWP Refrigerants Main Goals Actions Global Conferences and Events Refrigerants Awareness Package Low- GWP Innovation Award Program Advocacy and Knowledge Sharing Online Training Program on Refrigerants Contemporary Learning Tools for Universities Assessment Program for RAC Plants Training, Education and Practice
Some Examples of cooperation in conferences and events 2017-2018 International Conference on Sustainable Technologies of RAC in Marine/Off-Shore Fisheries Sectors, Bangkok- Thailand (April 2017) International Conference on District Cooling for Urban Development, Sharm Al-Sheikh- Egypt (Sept 2017) ASHRAE Developing Economies Conference, Delhi (Nov 2017) Side Event at Montreal Protocol Meetings, Montreal (2017) Side Event at Montreal Protocol Meetings, Quito- Ecaudor (5 Nov 2018) Sixth Symposium of Alternative Refrigerants for High Ambient Countries, Dubai- UAE (April 2019)
ASHRAE - UNEP Online Courses
Refrigerant Management University Course Refrigerant Management M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 Special University Course for Future Engineers
Universities/Colleges Enrolled to the Pilot Phase Country # of Univ./ College Brazil 2 Canada 4 Egypt 1 India Indonesia Lebanon Pakistan Peru Philippines Singapore Serbia Turkey UAE USA 3
New Refrigerants Factsheet June 2018 New Refrigerants Factsheet Information on refrigerants designation and safety classification Updated every 6 months to indicate the new refrigerants which are assigned “R” numbers *ASHRAE designations).
Cooperation on delivery of workshops for 147 developing countries in both 2018 and 2019 Training of NOOs and Energy Officials on EE and RAC Development of Online Course in EE in RAC Production of supporting publications
UNEP/ASHRAE Assessment Program Sustainable Operations and Maintenance of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Installations This ambitious project would entail the compilation of best practices related to the following areas related to the operation and management of air-conditioning and refrigeration installations: Safe storage and proper handling of refrigerants Periodic leak checking and proper documentation Checklist for maintaining equipment to extend life and maintain energy efficiency Fault detection and preventative maintenance Proper commissioning and recommissioning practices to optimize system performance Minimum required servicing equipment and tools Proper disposal of equipment and reclamation of refrigerant at end of product life. Competencies of personnel/companies responsible of operating and/or maintaining the refrigeration and air-conditioning plants Under Construction