Area Population Population Density Nigeria 923,768 184,264,000 UK 243,610 63,182,000 AFRICA 30,220,000 1,153,308,000 All the data and maps and vids from this PPT are on the website in a booklet! Calculate the population densities of the two countries (and Africa) and add this to the column (Population Density= Population ÷ Area)
What are the advantages of using a multiple line graph to show data? Why is Nigeria Important globally? Highlight key facts
Why is it important in Africa? Highlight key facts Describe the international importance of a LIC or NEE country you have studied (3)
Nigeria has shifting political links with the world Nigeria has shifting political links with the world. Until 1960, Nigeria was part of the British Empire. Its links were therefore with the UK and other members of the Empire. Since Independence in 1960 it became a member of the British Commonwealth (countries formerly controlled by the UK). Nigeria’s political role has changed in recent decades and it has become a leading member of African political and economic groups as well as international organisations such as the United Nations. War! Oil in Africa with ref to Nigeria.
It is a NEE Newly Emerging Economy What are it’s trade links? Why is this important?
Q. Using evidence from the graphs describe how employment and industry has changed in Nigeria between 1999 and 2012 (3 marks)
Many manufactured goods are available for people to buy The oil industry is the backbone of the Nigerian economy. The benefits of crude oil in Nigeria are evident. It provides 90 percent of the country's export revenues. Nigeria is the first in Africa and the eighth in the world when it comes to oil export. Oil production brings about a billion investments in the country's economy as well as the development of related sectors of the economy and infrastructure. Besides, it supplies new jobs, 10% of the Nigerian population work in the oil and gas sector resulting in improvements in social and living standards in general. Nigeria’s manufacturing sector is growing and helping to boost economic development in the country. Regular paid work gives people a secure income to improve their own lives. Also the income for the government from taxes increases Many manufactured goods are available for people to buy Manufacturing a car needs many parts so other businesses benefit from making and supplying the parts Attracts foreign companies to establish and invest in Nigeria creating more jobs Multiplier Effect! Q. Using a case study of LIC or NEE country, explain how industries can encourage economic development (6 marks)
Using the worksheet highlight then have a go at the 9 mark question.
Aid: Nigeria receives International Aid because even though the country is developing rapidly many people are still poor. They have limited access to safe water, health and education services and a reliable electricity supply. 60% of the population live on less than 63p per day What types of aid are there? Which are being used in Nigeria? Most aid comes from countries like the UK and USA, but organisation like The World Bank and charities also provide support. The most successful aid projects are small and community based, supported by charities and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs)
Aid isn’t always used effectively in Nigeria because: Corruption in the government and individuals means aid is lost or not given to the right people There have been claims aid money has been used to supply the Navy Donors of aid may have political influence over who does and does not benefit. They may use donations to promote themselves. How does Nigeria benefit? Nets for Life project provides education on Malaria and give mosquito nets to households to prevent the spread of the disease World Bank funded loans to businesses to help diversify the economy away from being dependent on oil so that new businesses and industries are developed The UK government has funded health and HIV programme providing health and education in rural areas. This will help to protect World bank Take notes from clip! Industrial Growth Urban Growth Mineral and oil extraction Nigeria has 5000 industrial plants and 10,000 illegal small scale industries. The fast and unchecked growth of industry has led to environmental issues such as: Pollution of nearby land and rivers as toxic waste is dumped or leaked Harmful pollutants go into open drains putting people and ecosystems at risk Breathing and lung problems come from the huge number of fumes Urban areas have developed rapidly bringing many challenges: Squatter settlements are common in most cities Services e.g. health, education, water have not kept pace with the growing cities Waste disposal is a major issue as collection services are poor so it is dumped on the streets Traffic congestion creates high levels of pollution 70 – 80% of forests gave been destroyed through logging, agriculture and urban development Mining for raw materials and precious metals can lead to pollution, damaging ecosystems and affecting peoples’ jobs: Tin mining has led to soil erosion and local water supplies were polluted with toxic chemicals Oil spills have damaged freshwater and marine ecosystems leading to loss of species and unhealthy ecosystems Oil spills can cause fires which release huge amounts of CO2 causing acid rain Q9. Explain how economic growth can have harmful impacts on the environment (6 marks)