Back-to-School Night Washington Township High School 2018 - 2019 Mrs. Bogacki Honors Pre-Calculus 1
Personal Background – Mrs. Bogacki Honors graduate of Rutgers University, Master of Sciences Degree in Mathematics Resident of Washington Township for 37 years Washington Township High School graduate WTHS PTO member CCC Adjunct Faculty – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Department
High School Plus Program - HPC Dual Credit program to accelerate student achievement by awarding college credit while in high school. Camden County College: MTH-125 Accelerated Precalculus Cost $150 (per HSP course) Final grade required to receive credit: A or B Final grade of C will be awarded AUDIT status Registration forms to Counseling Office by mid-October. (see guidance counselor for details)
Grading Policy Grades are based on the following categories Tests Quizzes Homework / Classwork Function Notebook Projects Participation and attendance is vital to the students’ success. Refer to Student Handbook See handout for WTHS grading policy, including midterm and final exams.
Responsibility for Coursework Bring notebook, textbook, paper and pencil to class daily. Submit ALL assignments on time. PowerSchool can be used to verify grades. Grades will be posted periodically through each marking period. Refer to Student Handbook for more details.
Absent Policy Students are responsible for getting their missed assignments when absent from school. Teacher Page & MML Check with me upon return to class for any missed work due to absence. Have a friend in class that you can ask for help or notes if you miss class. Any missed tests or quizzes must be made up according to school policy for absence from school. Students absent from class but NOT FROM SCHOOL are responsible for ALL work missed that day and due dates will apply. An absence from class: Any missed quiz or test MUST be made up same day during another free period or after school. You must get approval from me to make up the quiz or test the next school day.
Calculators… I will be using the TI-Nspire calculator for in-class demonstrations. (TI-84, TI-Nspire calculators are recommended for home use. A graphing calculator is REQUIRED for this class.) Please turn in any “TI Points” for Texas Instruments purchases of calculators. WTHS can get “fun” things for our school! Calculators will enhance and support your child’s learning and success. Each classroom has 25 calculators for students to use in class…these cannot be removed from the classroom. TI-83, TI-84, TI-Nspire are all permitted on SATs and ACTs exams. (Calculators are not provided for SATs, ACTs)
Communication… I can be reached at WTHS 11/12 wing at (856) 589-8500, ext. 7354, room F11. E-mail: Please contact me with any questions, concerns or comments you may have regarding your child that may help me ensure a successful year for your student. (Please e-mail first. ) I will return your email within 24-48 hours.
!!!! HELP !!!! I am after school in room F11 until 2:35pm most days. Exceptions: Monthly faculty and/or department meetings afterschool Arrangements should be made in advance if more help is needed. Have your student notify me and I will work with him/her to set-up a time. Faculty Tutoring and Peer-tutoring services are available. Contact the Guidance Office for details.
Any Questions?? If you have a question or concern that specifically deals with your child, please send me an email and I will contact you as soon as possible to discuss your concerns. Sign up for Remind101: Text: @hpc-1819 to 81010 Thank you!
Enjoy the rest of your evening!! Thank you for coming!! Enjoy the rest of your evening!!