Bangladesh Nutrition: National Campaign Initiative 27.11.2017
WFP in Bangladesh Cox’s Bazar Rohingya, Cyclones, Floods The World Food Programme (WFP) has been working in Bangladesh since 1974. WFP is recognized as food assistance UN organization in both emergency and development settings: e.g. Cox’s Bazar Rohingya, Cyclones, Floods School feeding - Social protection for food security CMAM In it’s recent Country Strategic plan (2017-2020) there is a strategic shift away from direct implementation (except Cox’s Bazar and CHT) Provide TA and support to GoB in the area of Food and Nutrition Security particularly in nutrition sensitive social safety nets WFP’s work will support the country in ending hunger and reducing malnutrition by 2030.
TMRI modalities and research arms 1 Cash 1500 TK 2 Food in-kind: Rice, lentils, veg oil 3 BCC 4 Food and Cash 50-50% 5 Food
TMRI modalities and research arms Nutrition BCC - four different activities: (1) group BCC trainings with the participants, (2) group BCC trainings with participants and other influential family members, (3) group meetings for community members, and (4) household follow-up visits to the participants’ homes. The nutrition BCC consists of six modules, which were delivered over seven sessions: (1) overall importance of nutrition & dietary diversity for health; (2) handwashing and hygiene for improving nutrition and health; (3) micronutrients: diversifying diets, Vitamin A; (4) micronutrients: diversifying diets, iron, iodine, and zinc; (5) feeding young children: breastfeeding (6) feeding young children: complementary feeding; (7) maternal nutrition.
TMRI study findings Key finding from the TMRI is the importance of linking cash transfers with behaviour change communication (BCC) to improve child nutrition Excluding fixed costs, nutrition BCC cost $50 per year per participating household. Cash transfers appear to be more cost-effective than food transfers. Interpersonal communication is too expensive for social safety net
Our plan WFP Bangladesh has taken a campaign and social marketing approach to promote balanced diets for all age groups, with emphasis on specific vulnerable groups like infants, young children, adolescents and women of reproductive age to promote a healthy and productive population. Develop a ‘umbrella’ brand with cross-demographic appeal Develop sub-campaigns with focus on vulnerable groups: Infants Young children Adolescents Women of reproductive age Develop sub-campaigns with focus specific target activities or topics Something people engage with and believe in – believe it is for people like them No just a logo
The Process-Developing Campaign To support the development of the campaign, it is proposed that the P Process (developed by Johns Hopkins University) will be used. Step 1: Inquire – Mapping of existing information, materials and research (i) mapping on existing research on dietary habit, food preference, market analysis (ii) mapping on BCC interventions and materials. Formative Research on life aspiration and target audience segmentation Step 2: Design your strategy- Creative Campaign Design Step 3: Create and test Step 4: Mobilise and monitor Step 5: Evaluate and evolve The P Process has been successfully employed to design, implement and evaluate innovative and creative behaviour change programmes and campaigns to reduce HIV transmission, promote family planning/reproductive health, reduce maternal mortality, promote child survival, prevent infectious diseases and protect the environment.