Strength of Acids and Bases Unit 3 Strength of Acids and Bases
Some acids and bases are safe to taste or get in the eyes. Some will destroy human tissue and corrode metal. * not all acids and bases are alike
The strength of an acid or base depends on how completely a compound is pulled apart to form ions when dissolved in water.
Strong Acid An acid that ionizes almost completely in solution. * sulfuric acid
Weak Acid An acid that only partly ionizes in solution. * hydrofluoric acid
Test for Ionization good conductor = STRONG bad conductor = WEAK Ability to conduct electricity good conductor = STRONG bad conductor = WEAK
Strong Base A base that completely dissociates in solution. * sodium hydroxide
A base that only partly dissociates in solution. Weak Base A base that only partly dissociates in solution. * soap
Do not get STRENGTH confused with CONCENTRATION.
DILUTE and CONCENTRATED are terms used to indicate the amount of acid or base dissolved in water.
STRONG and WEAK refer to the ease with which an acid or base forms ions in solution.
pH Stands for potential Hydrogen
pH A measure of the concentration of hydronium ions in solution.
pH Scale Less than 7 = Acid Greater than 7 = Base Pure Water has a pH of 7 neutral pH
Acids pH of Acids & Bases Sulfuric Acid = 1.01 pH Hydrochloric Acid = 1.08 pH Nitric Acid = 1.18 pH Phosphoric Acid = 2.22 pH
Bases pH of Acids & Bases Sodium Hydroxide= 12.88 pH Calcium Hydroxide= 12.46 pH Ammonia = 11.52 pH Soap = 10.01 pH
A pH meter is used to determine the pH of a solution. Why is it important to know? * remember that a property of both acids and bases is the potential to burn flesh
In the absence of a pH meter, one can use either a universal indicator (liquid) or litmus paper. RED = acid BLUE = bases
When would I use this information? Balancing chemical levels in a pool Checking pH levels in a fish tank
blood circulates throughout your body doing lots of things. * carrying oxygen * removing carbon dioxide * absorbing nutrients
To carry out its many functions, the pH of your blood cannot change significantly. ☺7.4 is the best ☺Is blood acidic or basic?
Buffers Small amounts of acids or bases that react with acids and bases that are present to minimize their effects. * remember what acids and bases can do to human skin!!!!!!
The End