The Cynon Linc Project Registered Charity No. 1129973
What’s was happening at St Mair’s Opening Hours 10 am to 3.30pm One lunch sitting per day between 12.30 and 1.30 Bowls and snooker (one day per week) Free space for community Groups to meet, ie Cynon Valley 50+ Forum, Sensory Impaired Support Group, OAP Association, Alzheimer’s Singing for the Brain, Yoga Age Connects Morgannwg Nail-cutting Service 2 days per week Meals/refreshments only available to people aged 50+ and subsidised meals only available to residents of RCT Operational base for Meals on Wheels in the Cynon Valley
What people told us they wanted Longer opening hours, allowing for evening activities such as concerts, dances, evening meals and film showings Café/restaurant with affordable meals, snacks and drinks throughout the day and available to all ages An Information and Advice Centre where people can get help Suitable spaces for Arts classes, IT classes and other Adult Education Regular exercise classes such as yoga and tai chi Space for other community organisations to run activities Rooms for hire for meetings, parties and events Nail Cutting Clinic
Consultation Process We carried out 5 consultation events with the current users of the centre and the general public between July 2015 and August 2017. Over 400 people got involved. 90% felt that there was a need community hub in Aberdare (it should be noted that only 1% said no, the remaining said ‘don’t know’). Specific comments included: Increase awareness on challenges/barriers different generations face, utilise individuals/families skills and knowledge providing people of all ages with a purpose Everyone in this community could benefit from the proposed plans. At last somewhere residents can socialise, learn, exercise and obtain advice available for all ages Easily accessible services, wide variety of services to appeal to all the community, comfortable community feel
What will Cynon Linc offer? A community hub accessible to people of all ages, from anywhere Age Connects Morgannwg operational base Day Nursery provision for babies and children up to the age of 5, delivered by The Fern Partnership (CIC) Primary Care services via the Maendy Practice A ‘meet and greet’ reception service to ensure visitors and callers to the centre feel welcome and are able to access the service they need A Community Information and Advice Hub that will include surgery days with local third sector organisations and community groups
An Education Room suitable for use by the whole community which will include art classes, IT classes, adult learning, group activities and large meeting space A Sensory and Therapies Room for use by people with cognitive impairment A Dementia Café and activities that will offer support to carers Affordable meals that cater for all dietary requirements, throughout the day and evening including food to go via snack outlets Modern, well equipped space for community organisations to run activities and rooms for hire for meetings, parties and events Nail Cutting Clinic
How it looks now
How it looks now
How it might look
Post completion External Elevation
Project Outcomes Older people will take part in more evening activities resulting in a reduction in loneliness Those living with dementia will be less isolated due to the increase in activities and facilities catering specifically for them Long term sustainability of third sector and community organisations will be strengthened resulting in an increase in community benefit Community cohesion will increase as more people of all ages take part together in activities and education
Getting here….. Engagement events throughout 2015 September 2016 – First stage application submitted to Big Lottery Fund Community Asset Transfer Programme (CAT2) February 2017 – Capital Development Grant awarded (£48,050) to undertake a viability study of the project 26 September 2017 – Submit full application to BLF 8 February 2018 – Decision on application ACM took over management of the Hub on 1 August 2018 12 month phased refurbishment and development programme (anticipated commencement date early 2019) Cynon Linc official opening – latest January 2020
Thank You For more information contact Su Wade on 01685 881007 or email Registered Charity No. 1129973