September 24, 2013
»Utilizing funds from Moving Ohio Forward Demolition Program »Requires a local match »Program managed by Hamilton County Land Reutilization Corporation 2
»A cost effective method to manually salvage building materials »Greener, gentler version of traditional demolition 3
»Provides a training ground for careers and jobs in construction, retail and customer service »Diverts thousands of tons of quality building materials from landfills »Used building materials can be resold for up to 75% below retail value 4
»Little or no water damage, with an intact roof »No fire damage »A large area around the structure in which to work »Have as much original material as possible »Wood frame structures vs brick which is heavy and adds a significant amount of weight to haul off making it not cost effective 5
»Is a nonprofit building materials re-use enterprise founded in 2004 by Easter Seals TriState »Salvages quality building materials otherwise destined for the landfill and resells them in a public retail outlet »Helps organizations and municipalities further their sustainability goals 6
»Places emphasis on workforce development and training for the hard to hire »Pays their workers and has a successful record of placing their graduates in full time positions after they have completed the program »Trains people while diverting building materials from landfills 7
»Has deconstructed/demolished 5 houses to date. »Materials diverted from local landfills include PoundsMetal, including aluminum siding, piping, wiring, misc. scrap 990PoundsCarpet and carpet padding 900Square FeetHardwood flooring 4370Board FeetStructural Lumber 234TonsConcrete 10,100PoundsSalvaged materials including doors, windows, cabinets, plumbing fixtures, interior trim, appliances, antique fixtures
»Eliminated the harvest of over 24 mature trees »Reduced the volume of waste needing landfill space by over 4,000 cubic feet »Recycling of steel, aluminum and plastic preserves over 31 million BTUs of embodied energy »Reuse of recovered lumber preserves over 12 million BTUs of embodied energy * Benefits are determined by using calculations provided by the Deconstruction Institute 9
»Has employed 17 associates in the workforce development/transitional employment program »Has resulted in 920 training hours »85% of graduates stay on with full-time jobs for a year or more after graduating from the program 10
Thank you! Deborah Robb Director of Community Revitalization and Inclusion Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority 299 East Sixth Street, Suite 2A Cincinnati, OH