Monthly Time Spent by Medium (hh:mm) Millennials Consume Almost The Same Amount of TV As Generation Xers and Baby Boomers Monthly Time Spent by Medium (hh:mm) Millennials Generation X Baby Boomers Live+DVR/ Time-Shifted TV Video on a PC Video on a Smartphone 195:51 51:40 7:28 147:29 199:52 12:15 1:41 1Q ‘16 18:07 2:16 77% of Video Time Spent 88% of Video Time Spent 93% of Video Time Spent Source: Nielsen Generational Snapshot. P18-34, P35-49, P50-67. Live+DVR/Time-shifted TV, Multimedia Devices 09/28/2015-12/27/2015 via Nielsen NPOWER/NPM Panel; Nielsen Total Audience Report 1Q16