Welcome! Find your child’s desk and have a seat The note-taking paper is there for you to write your child a note for when they come in tomorrow morning. Feel free to look in your child’s desk (if you dare…)
A Little About Myself…
My Educational Beliefs… Every student has a unique lifestyle that deserves to be celebrated in the classroom. Each person that enters the room brings different skills, experiences, and tools with them that come together to help create a culture focused on growth and success. No two children are the same and therefore a variety of educational practices are used to ensure every student is given the best opportunity to reach their full potential. I believe all students should set high, achievable goals for themselves which will be met through hard work and support.
Daily Schedule 8:25-8:30 Kids enter the room/get settled 8:30 – 8:40 Brain Boost 8:40 – 9:45 Math 9:45-10:45 Specials 10:45-11:00 Snack/Exit Ticket 11:00-11:30 Unit of Inquiry 11:30 – 12:10 Writer’s Workshop 12:10 – 12:50 Recess/Lunch 12:50 – 1:30 Individual Goals/RTI/ESL/SPED 1:30 – 3:00* Readers Workshop *10 minute recess 3:00– 3:05 Reflections, Pack up, and Dismissal
Bobcat Bands Positive behavior program Help earn a 5 minute physical reward for the class Help earn a school-wide reward Given by any staff member in the building at any time
Third Grade Reading Workshop Model: Common Core Independent Reading Direct instruction, conferring, small group instruction, independent reading and response Common Core Interpreting text – reading between the lines Providing evidence from text – quotes Independent Reading Picking books at level Fluency, Accuracy, Comprehension Reading the same book at school + home How to help your student… Read with them Talk about what they are reading/check their reading log
Reading Levels… QRS NOP KLM Red-KLM-2nd grade (early chapter books, simple characters) White-NOP-3rd Grade (characters change, inference, themes) Black-QRS-4th grade (relationships, characters have multiple dimensions, are conflicted, determining importance) Orange-TUV-5th grade (more mature themes, characters, setting, foreshadowing, time jumps, multiple characters/relationships to track)
Third Grade Writing What you will see… Students studying real authors to learn strategies and craft to try in own writing Focused mini-lessons on specific writing strategies and skills Guided and independent practice Teacher conferring one-on-one & in small groups Students working toward individual goals Students reflecting on their learning
Third Grade Math What you will see… Assessment: Core Content: Exit Tickets Unit Assessments Check-In’s Common Core Mathematical Practices Deep conceptual/skill development Exploring multiple strategies to solve a problem Core Content: Multiplication Division Fractions Measurement Data Lesson Format: Fluency (Skip Counting, Math Facts) Application Problem (Review, Practice) Whole group instruction/Partner work Individual work
P.Y.P./Units of Inquiry Focus on empowering students to be internationally minded Honing in on various attitudes and attributes of internationally minded people Attitudes: Empathy Respect Confidence Curiosity Tolerance Enthusiasm Integrity Appreciation Independence Creativity Cooperation Commitment
Third Grade Inquiry How We Express Ourselves How We Organize Ourselves An inquiry in to how writers get inspired How We Organize Ourselves An inquiry in to the organization of cities How the World Works An inquiry in to the laws of force &motion Where We Are in Place and Time An inquiry in to how people adapt based on weather & climate Who We Are An inquiry in to mindset Sharing the Planet An inquiry in to how peace and conflict shape communities.
Homework Expectations: Students should spend approximately 30 minutes a night. Students should be responsible for remembering their reading folder every day. Every Night: Daily Reading – At least 20-30 minutes of reading per night Recorded in reading log Ideally the same book that is being read in school Some reading responses to be completed in student reading notebook. Math Fluency Practice – 5-10 minutes iXL website Flashcards
How to Help Your Child Read with them + discuss their reading Reinforce reading every night as non-negotiable Help with math fluency practice Support them with transferring materials between home and the classroom Ask if they earned a Bobcat band
Communication Communication is key! Please feel free to contact me anytime: Phone call: BSE Office (503)672-3775 E-mail: craig_anderson@beaverton.k12.or.us Class Website: http://mrandersonsbseclass.weebly.com/ Conferences: Fall and Spring Report Cards
Bits + Pieces Contact Hours Early Student Dismissal Change of Going Home Plans Birthday Treats Empty Water Bottles Lost + Found (Identify Clothes)
Volunteer Opportunities Our Class School Wide Field Trip Bulletin Board Friday Folders Art Literacy Class Party (3x/year) Production Team Work at Home Library Jog-A-Thon Production Team Art Auction Project
Any Questions? Please feel free to check out the levels of books on the back table. Don’t forget to sign up as an Art-Lit volunteer right outside the door! Thank you for coming!