Ofsted Inspection June 2014 Overall effectiveness - Outstanding – 1 Outcomes for Learners - Outstanding – 1 Quality of teaching, learning and assessment - Outstanding - 1 Effectiveness of leadership and management - Outstanding -1 ‘No significant improvements required’
COLLEGE MISSION The Northern College Mission is to provide outstanding adult residential and community education for the empowerment and transformation of individuals and communities
Ofsted ‘Outstanding and inspirational leadership has helped the college to realise its ambitious vision to provide outstanding adult residential and community education for the empowerment and transformation of individuals and communities’
The fox and the hedgehog Good to Great Jim Collins (2001)
Key point: A clear mission, shared culture and values are key to success.
Teaching, learning and assessment Pedagogical leadership - Principal as leader of learning
“Inspirational tutors provide exceptional challenge and support which transform the lives of students and their families. Students develop good independent study skills and an appetite for lifelong learning.”
Community of Discovery Sharing of practice at staff meetings Observations: developmental : appreciative peer Peer review of materials (changing focus) - CPD
Key Points:. Centrality of teaching and learning Key Points: . Centrality of teaching and learning. . Be tenacious about improvement but don’t sweat the small stuff . Encourage diversity
Leadership and Management Importance of mission and values Centrality of teaching and learning and student experience Set parameters and expectations, then give staff space