Archaeological Dig An Archaeological dig is something where a group of people do research to find out things about the people or creatures who lived before us in the past.
The first Trip On the first trip class 5 went to see the trenches still getting dug up. Trenches are what the archaeologists were digging in. They had a special box which they put things in from what they thought could help them. They would then label it all very carefully and send it all off to a University so they could find out what period of time the things came from.
The Second Trip In the second trip we went back to the site to see the earthworks and look for clues about what sort of buildings they were in the past. We found where there could have been a house.
Tools When we went there there was a massive blue sheet with all different types of equipment such as trowels, buckets and sieves etc.
Other Sites In the past different sites have found things such as dinosaur bones, weapons, tools, and buildings. Some of the small things you find are called artefacts. When we went to the dig there were lumps in the ground, these are called earthworks.
By Peter Atkinson