ORLO: Early Adopter Stories Show and Tell Event 6 November 2018
Overview of the ORLO solution ORLO stands for Oxford Reading Lists Online and is the University’s new digital reading list solution http://readinglists.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/ It uses the platform provided by Talis Aspire which is integrated with Single Sign On, Library Management Systems (LMS) and Canvas @ Oxford. ORLO is a dynamic resource discovery tool so we are making it easy for you to reach it: Stand alone As part of Canvas @ Oxford Keeping it simple – start with “out of the box/vanilla”. Basing changes to “out of the box” on feedback from the Early Adopters and other users in the future.
Our Early Adopters 15 Early Adopter Departments/Faculties across all divisions as well as from Continuing Education and Oxford Learning Institute. 5 of our early adopters are also early adopters for Canvas @ Oxford. Approx. 300 lists for 2018-19. In conversation with 4 colleges – watch this space!
Project update Early Adopter phase (cross-divisional): User Acceptance Testing + populate with 2017/18 lists following training for libraries (by end July 18) Update reading lists for the start of the 2018/19 academic year following training for academics (by end Aug 18) Provision reading lists (by end Sep 18) Use and evaluate the service throughout Michaelmas Term and then Hilary Term, including support model Fine-tune the service based on the feedback received (Jan - March19) Create a plan for a structured and sustainable staged University wide roll-out from 2019 (by February 19) implementation of which is subject to a successful early adopter phase.
Post the link online or email /present in Canvas Once published/republished, the list becomes available either to the world or to those with Oxford SSO as specified at the time of creating. Journey of a Reading List Publish / Re-publish Post the link online or email /present in Canvas Create Edit Students know where to find a list. Library Fulfillment Review Acquisitions Materials Procured ORLO reading lists are “live” and can be edited at any time as required. Don’t forget to re-publish! Approx. 6 Weeks A dialogue may be required between the Academic and Library Staff
Post the link online or email /present in Canvas Academic/ On behalf of Academic Model 1 Hands on Academic Publish / Re-publish Post the link online or email /present in Canvas Academic Create Edit Library Fulfillment Review Academic Academic Content bookmarked from Word/PDF list or Bibliographic s/w import (RIS Import) e.g. EndNote, Zotero Training required for an academic (30 mins) – typically provided by the subject librarian at the academic’s office.
Post the link online or email /present in Canvas Academic/ On behalf of Academic Model 2 Assisted Academic Publish / Re-publish Post the link online or email /present in Canvas Academic Create Edit Library Fulfillment Review On behalf of Academic Academic By prior agreement between Department/Faculty and their Library. e.g. Project, Administrator, TA, PhD student, Library Content bookmarked from Word/PDF list or Bibliographic s/w import (RIS Import) e.g. EndNote, Zotero Training required for an academic (20 mins) - typically provided by the subject librarian at the academic’s office.
Post the link online or email /present in Canvas Academic/ On behalf of Academic Model 3 Light Touch Academic Publish / Re-publish Post the link online or email /present in Canvas On behalf of Academic Create Review & Sign Off Library Fulfillment Review On behalf of Academic Academic By prior agreement between Department/Faculty and their Library. e.g. Project, Administrator, TA, PhD student, Library Content bookmarked from Word/PDF list or Bibliographic s/w import (RIS Import) e.g. EndNote, Zotero No training required for an academic but they still need to be set up on the system.
Digitisation Requests Scan & Upload on ORLO Arrangements differ across Departments/Faculties and Libraries. . Accepted Request Automatic CLA check by ORLO Accepted Review by CLA trained staff Other options Rejected Rejected Done during creating/editing a list If no more than 1 chapter or 10% of a text is required
Support Framework and Responsibilities As with other Resource Discovery Tools at the Bodleian Libraries we will define our support according to a 4 Tier Model: TIER DESCRIPTION Tier 0 – Self Help FAQs, guides & online tutorials Tier 1 – Library staff Dept. on-boarding, training of academics and administrators, fulfillment review, acquisitions Tier 2 – Train-the trainer, events to promote ORLO ALS Integration, Hierarchy and application level queries BDLSS Tier 3 – Supplier SAAS delivery and core system support
Our Speakers Today Paul Jepson (Academic)* David Pyle (Academic) James Shaw and Angela Carritt (Bodleian) Mishtooni Bose (Academic) and Helen Scott (Bodleian) John Francis (Administrator)* Kate Blackmon (Academic)* Carly Sibilia* (Student) Josiane (Josie) Segar* (Student)