3rd Grade Adventures November 6-10 Reading/Vocabulary Math and Science MAUE November 6-10 Language Word of the week: Similar Skill: Theme, ”Big Idea” of a story Reminders Veteran’s Day Program Nov. 8th – send back form if you have a veteran that is coming Thanksgiving Feast Nov. 17th Thanksgiving Break November 20-24- NO SCHOOL! Book Fair Nov. 14th -17th Grandparents day at Book Fair- Nov. 14th Word Study Affix of the week: or= one who; a person who Narrator Governor Editor Instructor Doctor Inventor Warrior Director Senator Tutor ***We will have a test on this word list this Friday, November 10th! *** Reading/Vocabulary Fondly- in a loving or caring way Mist- a fine spray or light fog Peak- the pointed top of something Rugged- rough and uneven Pausing- stopping briefly Steep- having a sharp slope Examined- looking at closely Pleaded- argued or begged Yonder Mountain: A Cherokee Legend TEST THIS FRIDAY!! Math and Science Math: Topic 7 Lessons 1-4 Quiz on Friday Multiplication Facts quiz on x7’s this Friday