“Intellectual Revolution” Age of Reason Question human society. Challenged traditional authority People can think for themselves Philosophers wrote books They condemned oppressive governments & social injustice of the church and government Natural laws things could be learned through observation, reason, & logic Natural Rights God given inalienable rights: Life, Liberty, Property (freedom of speech & religion are natural rights as well) During this time there was an explosion of scientific inquiry Scientific Revolution The Enlightenment (Age of Reason) Shaped many revolutions (English, American, French, Latin American) Social Contract Individuals choose to enter a contact with one another, thus voluntarily giving up some rights in return for protection 1687-1789 Social Contract but with a Monarch Hobbes Natural Rights, Social Contract (if broken, people have the right to overthrow) & Popular sovereignty Locke Separation of powers (3 branches) & rights of minorities Montesquieu Father of the French Rev ‘direct democracy’ vs ‘elected aristocracy’ Rousseau Voltaire Tolerance, freedom of speech & religion Women’s rights: women have the right o an education and should be able to fill any job Wollstonecraft Philosophers believed that the world could be understood through logic and scientific reasoning. Many constitutions around the world are based on the principles of Natural Rights & the social contract. Ex: US, France, Japan