The Fenway Institute, Fenway Health, Boston, MA Welcome to STI 2018 Kenneth H. Mayer, M.D. The Fenway Institute, Fenway Health, Boston, MA Department of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center/Harvard Medical School
Disclosures Unrestricted research grants Gilead ViiV Relations that could be relevant for the meeting Company names Unrestricted research grants Gilead ViiV NIH (NIAID, NIMH, NICHD) Scientific Advisory boards Merck
HIV and STI Synergy Inflammation and/or ulceration BIOLOGY PrEP and TasP ↑HIV transmission and/or acquisition BEHAVIOR STI Condomless sex Multiple partners EPIDEMIOLOGY Higher risk partners, ↑ risk of HIV-infected partner
HIV and STI Synergy Inflammation and/or ulceration BIOLOGY PrEP and TasP ↑HIV transmission and/or acquisition BEHAVIOR STI Condomless sex Multiple partners EPIDEMIOLOGY Higher risk partners, ↑ risk of HIV-infected partner
Major Sessions Setting the stage: epidemiology Key and marginalized populations: factors driving STI epidemics Transmission dynamics Clinical approaches to STI management Emerging STI Diagnostics Best practices and the future of sexual health Emerging issues regarding the global HIV and STI response
Ground Rules Full schedule, need to stay on time Many stakeholders, important to listen to all voices Ample time for informal conversation, during coffee breaks, lunch, poster sessions, reception We hope to publish a scholarly special issue highlighting key data from the meeting
STI2018 Organizing Committee Birgit van Benthem, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), The Netherlands Jan van Bergen, Soa Aids Nederland, Amsterdam | Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam | National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), The Netherlands Silke David, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), The Netherlands Udi Davidovich, Public Health Service of Amsterdam (GGD), The Netherlands Arjan Hogewoning, Public Health Service of Amsterdam (GGD), The Netherlands Elske Hoornenborg, Public Health Service of Amsterdam (GGD) The Netherlands Marina Klein, McGill University and CIHR Canadian HIV Trials Network, Canada Kenneth Ngure, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya | Department of Global Health, University of Washington, United States Nneka Nwokolo, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, United Kingdom Maria Oud, Public Health Service of Amsterdam (GGD), The Netherlands Sébastien Morin, International AIDS Society, Switzerland Maria Prins, Public Health Service of Amsterdam (GGD) | Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Jürgen Rockstroh, University of Bonn, Germany Mauro Schechter, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Maarten Schim van der Loeff, Public Health Service of Amsterdam (GGD) | Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Darrell Tan, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, Canada Clarissa Vergunst, Public Health Service of Amsterdam (GGD), The Netherlands
Thanks to STI 2018 partners