Student Perception Data Grades 7,9, and 11


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Presentation transcript:

Student Perception Data Grades 7,9, and 11 Mi PHY Survey Data Student Perception Data Grades 7,9, and 11 Northville High School, Hillside Middle School, and Meads Mill Middle School

“The Michigan Profile for Healthy Youth (MiPHY) is an online student health survey offered by the Michigan Department of Education and Community Health to support local and regional needs assessment. The MiPHY provides student results on health risk behaviors including substance use, violence, physical activity, nutrition, sexual behavior, and emotional health in grades 7, 9, and 11. The survey also measures risk and protective factors most predictive of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use and violence. MiPHY results, along with other school-reported data, will help schools make data- driven decisions to improve programming funded under Title IV Safe and Drug- Free School (SDFS) program of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 as well as other prevention and health promotion programming.”

Who takes the MI PHY survey? 7th grade students at Meads Mill and Hillside 9th and 11th grade students at Northville High School Results are from 2012 and 2016 (2014 N.P.S. opted not to give the survey) The survey is given to multiple students throughout the state of Michigan.

Percentage of students who have lots of chances to get involved at school:   2012 2016 7th Grade 91% 92% 9th Grade 93% 92.7% 11th Grade 94%

Percentage of students who had lots of chances to talk with a teacher one on one at school:   2012 2016 7th Grade 88% 83.8% 9th Grade 84% 80.8% 11th Grade 86%

Percentage of students who had least one drink of alcohol during last 30 days:   2012 2016 7th Grade 2.4% 4% 9th Grade 8% 9.5% 11th Grade 24.3% 22.1%

Percent of students who have seen a student get called mean names or be “put down” one or more times over the past twelve months:   2012 2016 7th Grade 92.9% 77% 9th Grade 82.8% 63.7% 11th Grade 83.8% 67.8%

Percent of students who feel safe at school:   2012 2016 7th Grade 97.6% 98.2% 9th Grade 95.7% 88.1% 11th Grade 96.2% 95.8%

What do we do with this data? Supporting student growth, student self-monitoring, and self-reflection through Leader in Me, IB Learner Profile, and IB Service in Action, MYP Personal Project, and Positive Intervention Behavior Support Providing continued support at school for all students: Social Worker, Psychologist, and Counseling Services; bully prevention programming at N.H.S. and Positive Behavior Intervention Support Programming grades 6-12

What do we do with this data? Providing educational opportunities for parents such as our Parent Camp (February 2017) and guest speaker on bully prevention (November 2016) & substance abuse (January 2017) Sharing MiPHY survey data with parents, staff, community members and Health Advisory Board (HAB) with MiPHY booklet HAB will review complete data report to discuss curriculum adjustments if needed. Parents can also have a copy of the full report if requested through the Office of Instruction.

Close Reading Strategy ! Wow….that really stands out to me ? I wonder why……. I This is Important

Questions….Thank You!!! Sandra Brock, Director of Instruction