The Role of Federated Searching and Linking in Medical and Clinical Institutions Mark Schregardus Vice-President, Intl. Sales Ovid Technologies Say: Hello and welcome to this presentation about Ovid SearchSolver ©2005 Ovid Technologies
Your Daily Challenges! CHALLENGE How do I direct my end-users to the proper (e)resources to answer their questions? (…and thereby maximize the value of my investment in content resources) CHALLENGE How do I provide seamless links and interconnect the proper resources for my end-users? (…and thereby maximize the value of my investment in content resources) February 16, 2019
Agenda Agenda: How do we deliver the appropriate information in Medical & Clinical Environments? Is “Google” a solution? A quality controlled alternative: Federated searching How do we ensure we provide seamless links between information resources? Providing a platform for Universal eResource Access February 16, 2019
Challenges In Medical/Clinical Environments Different environments, different information needs: Medical education settings: Students and clinicians in training often study medical topics that are multidisciplinary in nature (the socio-economic consequences of smoking) and thus require a comprehensive selection of subject-specific resources Medical research setting: Researchers need comprehensive information and can’t afford to miss important sources of material Researchers are often looking for the “needle in a haystack” (A single case study or uncommon occurrence) February 16, 2019
Challenges In Medical/Clinical Environments Different environments, different information needs: Clinical practice setting: Current, high-quality information that is clinically relevant Peer reviewed and Evidence-based Case specific and Synoptic (brief and to the point) Plus, clinicians in hospitals need to be able to search across (and link to) institutionally specific resources as well as publicly available ones (ex. Formularies and guidelines) Health care consumers Consumers are increasingly involved in health-care decision making and are drawn to the free info on the Web, but at what ultimate cost? February 16, 2019
Challenges In Medical/Clinical Environments You can not always be there to help… More and more information access takes place out of library premises and out of hours Training challenge: users have little time to learn Will they recognize important information sources? With descriptive names like EMBASE and Cinahl Will they be able to search effectively? Different interfaces Different features & functionality February 16, 2019
Is Google / Google Scholar the Answer? Invaluable source of information for consumers, students and researchers Always hundreds of results, relevance ranked Best of all: free! The downside: it is a “black box” search What information sources are included? What quality control? Relevance ranking…based on what? You can not do much with results Limit Refine Combine Sort Too many results! February 16, 2019
Is Google / Google Scholar the Answer? Google Scholar – quality controlled, but No taxonomies / controlled vocabularies Unclear what content is included and what is excluded – not comprehensive Serious content gaps Smaller publishers Archives Not all titles included (only finds 45% of HW titles and 12% of BP titles) Free information is not always current Current information points to Publishers’ websites February 16, 2019
Google – The Debate in Healthcare Survey on Times newspaper, June 06, 2005 94% trust their GP Nearly as many (86%) believe that what they find on Internet is accurate 60% of GPs said that self-diagnosis wasted their time It slows down consultations patients convince themselves that they have a condition that they do not have “...a bit scary that 86 percent of people believe the health information they find from Google is accurate!” Caroline Miller (NICE Institute UK) February 16, 2019
Google – The Debate in Healthcare “Try putting the phrase “cancer cures” into Google (I do this in training to show people how dangerous the internet can be at times)...... First result: Dr Lorraine Day's ‘I got rid of my terminal cancer by taking these remedies - all doctors are liars, buy this stuff off me now’ website.... Yes if you know what you're doing the internet is invaluable. Unfortunately it can be very unreliable unless you know how to search or where to look.” Derick Yates (LIS Birmingham Women's Health Care Trust) February 16, 2019
Introducing Ovid SearchSolver Ovid SearchSolver is a federated search product designed to solve the problems of information search and discovery Ovid SearchSolver™ February 16, 2019
What is Federated Searching? “Federated searching aggregates multiple channels of information into a single searchable point. This blends e-journals, subscription databases, electronic print collections, other digital repositories, and the Internet.” Donna Fryer (Online March/April 2004) Say: Online Magazine from Information Today at February 16, 2019
Federated Searching: The User Experience Federated Search Engines allow a user to search across many different sources of information at once: Commercial databases Journal subscriptions OPACs Internal databases & repositories, etc. web search engines The search is mediated by the software which translates the user query into multiple searches across each of the selected sources. Differences in address, search syntax and search characteristics are taken into account. The user can then view the result and either select to output from within the software, or they can link out to the search results and take advantage of any options which the individual sources offer. Say: Federated Search Engines represent a way of searching in a very simple way across a wide variety of content. Different search syntax and characteristics are taken into account and the user is offered results either within the software or in the native interface. February 16, 2019
Main Search Page Say: once the user opens the SearchSolver session, they see the banner, source selection on the right and searching options on the left. As the search progresses new options appear to view, save or output results. This is analogous to selecting a database and searching in any system, but notice that we are searching across a wide variety of different sources (on the right). At this stage we have logged into Ovid SeachSolver, but not into the Sources. February 16, 2019
Main Search Page – Fully Customized in Portal Say: once the user opens the SearchSolver session, they see the banner, source selection on the right and searching options on the left. As the search progresses new options appear to view, save or output results. This is analogous to selecting a database and searching in any system, but notice that we are searching across a wide variety of different sources (on the right). At this stage we have logged into Ovid SeachSolver, but not into the Sources. February 16, 2019
Samples Set of Resources for a Hospital Environment Clinically relevant bibliographic databases Synoptic content Electronic books and journals Local guidelines Local formularies National and society guidelines February 16, 2019
Ovid SearchSolver - A Better Alternative Controlled Research Discovery: You, the professionals, determine which information to search Customized Experience: freedom to package information as required by the end-users and incorporate local content such as guidelines and formularies Precision Searching: ability to drill into a specific content source if needed Actionable Results: email, download, save for later, export Plus Google-like tools: easy searching, ranked results, always results February 16, 2019
Login Say: users may log into SearchSolver with IDs and Passwords, they may use IP based access or custom access. The choices are the same as those offered by Ovid for Web Gateway (or WebSpirs) including choice like Athens. In addition to accessing a purchased account, customers may also choose to offer a guest login for free sources. Logging In identifies the user, either individually (or more commonly as part of a group). February 16, 2019
Searching Enter words or phrases to search. You can select types of searches, or combine searches with operators as necessary. The menu offers types of searches, these are based on Dublin Core metadata elements (not traditional “fields”) e.g. an “author” is a different role for a web page or in a book or bibliographic database, Say: here you can search individual words or phrases or combinations of terms. The menu offers types of searches – these are based on Dublin Core metadata elements, an author represents a different element in a book (where they may be an editor), or a journal or a website. February 16, 2019
Searching Ovid SearchSolver Sources ID/PW, IP etc ID/PW, or ID/PW & IP Connectors (search syntax) Say: Searching starts a process which opens a search session with all the selected sources. Connector files take the user query, the URLs or other settings and the administrator choices and create the search syntax which is sent to all the sources simultaneously. Ovid SearchSolver Sources February 16, 2019
Results Ovid SearchSolver Sources Results (e.g. 10 records each) Session ID Ovid SearchSolver Say: The results progress, the results information and session information is sent back. Only a limited number of results is sent (as set by the user or administrator. Sources February 16, 2019
Results – A Database Say: Here we are taken to a database record, if there were any other displayed options (full-text), we would be able to follow them, this is a real search session. February 16, 2019
Results – Full Text Say: here we are searching in a full-text resource, so the result is the article itself. February 16, 2019
Results – A Web Page Say: here the result is a web page. February 16, 2019
Results – Fully Customized in Portal February 16, 2019
Change Results (Deduplication, sorting, filtering) Say: The Change Results menus allow you to deduplicate or sort the results which you have obtained (note: not the entire set of hits) or to filter out records based on the presence of a word of phrase. These choices are acting as limits – though there are other limits available within Search Options available February 16, 2019
Search Options (Display, Sort & Limit) Say: behind the search options button, the user can set options for the session or search, this is a combination of display choices and filtering limits. The Administrator sets the defaults which affect all user in the group, these are shown here as the original choices. By using the Personal Account feature a user can set their own options. February 16, 2019
Output Say: When we have found or selected some records from within our search we can save, print or email them. Keeping put selected records in a new set to output or to save. February 16, 2019
More about Ovid SearchSolver Supports wide range of search protocols HTTP/HTML/XML Z39.50 No limits on simultaneously searching of targets Local language searching Authentication: ID/PW & IP ASP model: online & outsourced Relatively inexpensive Fast deployment Customization and branding Say: here are the answers to some frequently asked questions… February 16, 2019
SearchSolver provides: Conclusion SearchSolver provides: A solid tool for the librarian to direct the different types of end-users to the appropriate resources that are available, thereby maximizing the investment in resources A common interface for returning a sampling of results from many subscribed and free resources A pathway to the native search application for precision search tools. Say: here are the answers to some frequently asked questions… February 16, 2019
CHALLENGE How do I provide seamless links and interconnect the proper resources for my end-users? (…and thereby maximize the value of my investment in content resources) February 16, 2019
Ovid LinkSolver – a Universal Link Resolver What is LinkSolver? Provides links from all your Ovid bibliographic resources to all your full text journals (article level) Provides links from all your other vendors’ bibliographic resources to all your full text journals (article level) PubMed, EBSCO, ProQuest Provides citation links from all your full text journals to all your full text journals (article level) Provides links from any of your resources to information anywhere on the internet using controlled meta-data Free journals Relevant local or generic web-resources Integration of hospital & national clinical guidelines Integration of patient hand-outs Say: here are the answers to some frequently asked questions… February 16, 2019
February 16, 2019
Ovid LinkSolver – a Universal Link Resolver Why Ovid LinkSolver? Easy implementation / Fast deployment Online hosted & fully serviced Proven solution & mature technology Limit to All Available Full Text Links Packages Automatic links to Free (Open Access) journals One-click access to all your electronic journal subscriptions Embargoe support Links to all your journals with embargoes Co-branding COUNTER-compliant Statistics Say: here are the answers to some frequently asked questions… February 16, 2019
Links from PubMed to your e-journals Say: here are the answers to some frequently asked questions… February 16, 2019
Links to relevant web content Pregnancy after 35 February 16, 2019
February 16, 2019
Ovid’s Platform for Universal eResource Access ? ? Journals@Ovid Say: For example you could use SearchSolver with LinkSolver and any other Ovid product, databases, journals, books… Discovery Search Seamless Linking Full Text *Logos Owned by Respective Companies February 16, 2019
Questions? Thank you! ©2005 Ovid Technologies