Chapter 8: Learning and Development
Objectives After reading this chapter, you should be able to: Explain the purpose of learning and development. Use a needs assessment to determine training gaps. Describe commonly used training methods. Discuss types of training needed in organizations. Develop a way to measure the effectiveness of training. Make decisions about training within the context of organizational demands. Design training programs that address environmental influences. Ensure that a firm’s learning and development activities are legally compliant.
Learning and Development Part of managing employee competencies Includes training Ensures employees can do their jobs well and are prepared for future jobs Helps employees know they are valued
Employee Orientation Ensures employees know policies and procedures Includes overview of company history and culture Should help employees understand their opportunities for self-expression in the company
Onboarding Ensures smooth transition Often used for mid- to upper-level managers Reduces turnover by Ensuring employees have needed information Providing “go to” person Providing training to enhance job success
Definitions Learning – process of acquiring tacit and explicit knowledge (includes training and development) Training – systematic process of providing employees with competencies needed Development – prepares employees to take on additional responsibilities High-potential employees – employees with greatest likelihood of being successful
Part 1: Needs Assessment Organization Analysis Determines firm’s progress toward achieving goals and objectives: Is company doing what it set out to do? If not, is it because the current employees need better training? How do the organization’s performance metrics look? Do the metrics suggest there are performance gaps that could be reduced with training?
Part 1: Needs Assessment Task Analysis Identifies gaps between KSAs needed to perform work required to support organizational objectives AND Current KSAs of employees
Part 1: Needs Assessment Person Analysis Assesses gap between Individual’s performance AND Desired job outcomes
Part 2: Design Instructional objectives Lesson planning Principles of learning Learning styles Learning agility Self-efficacy Interest in training Location
Part 3: Implementation Types of Training Methods On-the-job training (OJT) Operations and procedures manuals Classroom training E-learning Audiovisual training Simulations Gamification Blended learning College and university programs Coaching and mentoring
Part 3: Implementation Types of Training Compliance Knowledge Skills Behavioral
Employee Development Career development Competency analysis Career development activities
Learning and Development in Practice: Organizational Demands Strategy Level of investment Emphasis of investment Company characteristics Where training is done Who handles training Type of training How training is provided
Learning and Development in Practice: Organizational Demands (continued) Culture Focus of training Employees’ willingness to participate in training Employee Concerns Fairness and equity Work/life balance
Learning and Development in Practice: Environmental Influences Labor Market Who needs training Type of training Technology Skills inventories Method of delivery Communication of options
Learning and Development in Practice: Environmental Influences (continued) Globalization Where training will be offered When training will be offered How training will be offered What training will be offered Ethics Obligation to train Content of training Use of training to change behavior
Learning and Development in Practice: Regulatory Issues Accessibility of training and employee development opportunities Type of training needed