A newspaper article from the Los Angeles Times written on 9/11/01 about the events of 9/11 – would this be a primary or secondary source?
Prussia/Austria Rivalry
Zollverein, 1834
OTTO VON BISMARCK "Blood and Iron" Realpolitik Iron Chancellor
PRUSSIA 1861 – Wilhelm I chose Bismarck as prime minister when the parliament refused to give him money for reforms that would strengthen the army. Bismarck was a master at REALPOLITIK – TOUGH POLITICS With the king’s approval, Bismarck declared he would rule without the consent of parliament and without a legal budget.
“It is not by means of speeches and majority resolutions that the great issues of the day will be decided – that was the great mistake of 1848- 1849 – but by blood and iron.”
Step 1: War with Denmark DANISH WAR OF 1864 Prussia and Austria formed an alliance and went to war With Denmark to win Schleswig and Holstein.
Step 2: Austrian-Prussian War SEVEN-WEEKS WAR - 1866 Prussia Austria
Step 3 – Creation of the Northern German Confederation – 1867 Shortly following the victory of Prussia, Bismarck eliminated the Austrian led Confederation He then established a new northern German Confederation dominated by Prussia.
Step 4 – Franco-Prussian War (1870- 1871) Some Southern Germans still resisted Prussian control so Bismarck created the impression that the French ambassador insulted the Prussian king – France declared war in July 1870 By September of 1870, the Prussian army surrounded the main French force and captured approximately 83,000 prisoners (including Napoleon III) The Franco-Prussian War was the final step in German Unification
Coronation of Kaiser Wilhelm I THE SECOND REICH
3-2-1 Summarize List 3 factors promoting German unification Describe 2 events leading to unification Explain 1 reason why Bismarck was successful in uniting all of Germany
How do the Danish War, Austrian-Prussian War, and Franco Prussian War reveal the tactic of blood and iron and the strategy of realpolitik? Was this tactic successful? Once unification movement was complete. Kaiser Wilhelm I of Prussia controlled the armed forces and lawmaking process. Liberals who preferred a strong parliament and weak king, backed Bismarck. Their philosophy was “nationalism first, liberalism second.” What does this mean and why do you think they felt this was? The German nation-state became the most powerful country in 1871, what consequences might Germany’s desire for territory have for other countries in the world?
How is Bismarck portrayed in this political cartoon?
What were some factors that hindered German unification? What factors promoted German unification? What wars led to the unification of Germany? How do these wars reveal the policy of realpolitik?