Eastern Hemisphere Germany.


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Presentation transcript:

Eastern Hemisphere Germany

Germany Capital: Berlin Population: roughly 81,000,000 (est. July 2015) Area: three times the size of Pennsylvania; slightly smaller than Montana. Location: Central Europe. Border’s the Baltic Sea and the North Sea Between the Netherlands and Poland, south of Denmark Border countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, and Switzerland

Germany A few natural resources: Coal Natural gas Iron Copper Nickel Salt Timber Construction materials

Germany Flag description: National symbol(s): National Colors: Three equal horizontal bands of black (top), red, and gold These colors have played an important role in German history and can be traced back to the medieval banner of the Holy Roman Emperor – a black eagle with red claws and beak on a gold field National symbol(s): Golden eagle National Colors: Black, red and yellow

Germany Was originally settled by Germanic peoples that migrated into Europe from Central Asia thousands of years ago. These people organized themselves into various tribes and clans throughout the centuries; Many of the tribes such as the Goths, Visigoths, Huns, Vandals, and Franks were referred to as “barbarians” by the Romans, (“Barbarian” meaning “Outsiders”) These specific tribes warred constantly with the Roman Empire, and would eventually succeed in helping to bring about its downfall

Germany After the fall of the Roman Empire, the tribes would form small kingdoms during a period known as the Dark Ages or Middle Ages in Europe. Many of the tribes would be united into a large Germanic kingdom that would become known as the Holy Roman Empire. Holy Roman Empire: Founded mainly by the Germanic tribe known as the Franks The most famous Holy Roman leader was the emperor Charlemagne, or “Charles the Great” This empire is also referred to as the “First Reich,”

Germany In the 1860’s, German leader Otto von Bismarck would unite various German states together after a series of wars. The series of wars were called the Wars of German Unification During this time, the largest German Kingdom, Prussia, would conquer and force the smaller German states into joining this new empire. This new German Empire would be known as the “Second Reich”.

Germany Also during this time, unrest due to the worldwide Industrial Revolution, led to men like Karl Marx to theorize that the world’s working class, the Poletariat, would rise up against the capitalists of the world and form a utopia, or perfect society, ruled by the working class. He called this form of government communism. The goal of a society like this is to create egalitarianism, or an equal or classes society. Industrial Revolution: a period in which many of the world’s economies shifted from agriculture to industry (production of manufactured goods)