October 25, 2018 Modern Issues in the U.S. Agenda: DO NOW: True or False? NOTES #13: How do elections occur in the U.S.? CLASS ASSIGNMENT: “The Right to Vote”
How do elections occur in the U.S.? Notes #13
The Tuesday after the first Monday in November of even-numbered years is the national day for elections. X X X
Presidential elections occur every four years; all 435 House of Rep Presidential elections occur every four years; all 435 House of Rep. elections occur every two years; one-third of Senate elections occur every two years.
Voting takes place at a polling place, which is located in or near a precinct (the voting district).
Absentee voting (voting by voters unable to get to their regular polling places) is usually allowed.
Voters register their election choices on a ballot and all states require that ballots be secret.
Today, all states require voters to be at least 18 years old, U. S Today, all states require voters to be at least 18 years old, U.S. citizens, and legal residents of the state in which they wish to vote.
Every state (except North Dakota) requires voter registration (the act of signing up with local election officials).