learn about their local government http://cprd.illinois.edu/eypc Scott P. Hays, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Liz Nelson, Lake County Health Department EYPC: Youth in EYPC… …empowers young people to become advocates for policy change …creates an opportunity for youth to work with and learn about their local government …supports local efforts to achieve positive policy change learn about their local government understand how local policy affects their lives experience their local government in action interact with their community & its leaders gather and analyze their own local data gain advocacy skills engage the community in the advocacy effort EYPC Comprehensive Program Manual EYPC’s results are impressive! Since 2005, EYPC youth-led groups have created smoke-free public places, safer parties and gatherings, restricted alcohol use at community events, and much more. Be a part of change today. Be a part of EYPC! Tips to prepare for implementation 20+ activities; 5-6 for each part of the 4D process Adaptable policies and participant materials on CD Guide Includes EYPC Outcomes I really liked the interaction of county board members and our group. Youth seemed to enjoy having a city council member at their full attention. Bonding with community – Youth develop ownership of the community in which they live Sense of efficacy--Increased sense that they can influence positive change Relationship with caring adults—Working with facilitator and local officials and community leaders EYPC’s “4-D” Framework Deliver the Message Discover Data Determine Decision Makers Define the Issue Setting the forum agenda and goals gave youth ownership and increased their desire to promote the forum to show off their hard work. Contact: sphays@uillinois.edu ENelson@lakecountyil.gov This project supported by funding from the Illinois Department of Human Services, Bureau of Youth Development and Prevention