eDAMIS Status for UA collection Berthold Huber Berthold.Huber@ec.europa.eu Eurostat
Why eDAMIS for UA collection? Official acknowledgement to the data provider Notification to the receiver of the data Automatically available in production environment Backup of data at arrival Allows better distinction of data domain
Successful deliveries via eDAMIS EL – the first one (4 files/4 domains) DE (3 domains) ES (1 domain) EE (2 domains) LU (7 domains) (Status: 10 October 2006)
Data files already sent some examples
Naming convention 1 Dataset-ID: URBANREG_DE_A3 Country code: EL example of file name: URBANREG_DE_A3_EL_2004_0000_V0001_N.XLS Dataset-ID: URBANREG_DE_A3 Country code: EL Year: 2004 Period: 0000 Version: V0001 Type of action: N Extension: XLS
Naming: Dataset-ID Dataset-ID The 9 UA domains are predefined and URBANREG_DE_A3_EL_2004_0000_V0001_N.XLS Dataset-ID URBANREG_DE_A3 The 9 UA domains are predefined and they can be selected within the eDAMIS web application
Naming: Country code Country code Automatically selected by URBANREG_DE_A3_EL_2004_0000_V0001_N.XLS Country code EL Automatically selected by the web application
Naming: Year Year Please select year 2004 rather then 2006 URBANREG_DE_A3_EL_2004_0000_V0001_N.XLS Year 2004 Please select year 2004 rather then 2006 (reference year rather than collection year); also keep 2004 in case of timeline deliveries
Naming: Period Period Invariant as there are not several URBANREG_DE_A3_EL_2004_0000_V0001_N.XLS Period 0000 Invariant as there are not several collections per year
Naming: Version Version Set automatically by the system URBANREG_DE_A3_EL_2004_0000_V0001_N.XLS Version V0001 Set automatically by the system (increases the counter in case of redeliveries)
Naming: Action 1 Type of action URBANREG_DE_A3_EL_2004_0000_V0001_N.XLS Type of action N Possible selections: N (normal sending) P (partial sending) A (appending sending) R (replacement)
Naming: Action 2 Type of action URBANREG_DE_A3_EL_2004_0000_V0001_N.XLS Type of action Please select: N (normal sending) for your first file of a certain domain A (appending) for a file with additional data for a domain already sent R (replacement) for a file with corrections or deletions
Naming: Extension Extension Extension is inserted URBANREG_DE_A3_EL_2004_0000_V0001_N.XLS Extension XLS or CSV Extension is inserted automatically from the format of the file to be sent
Some recommendations Only files in Excel or csv format Please send only data for one domain within one file (according to dataset) Please separate files with new data (N or A) from replacement files (R – data correction or suppression)
Some recommendations 2 In case of additional information to data delivery available please make use of: Free text comments - field Attachment of commenting file document
eDAMIS Help eDAMIS mail box: ESTAT-SUPPORT-EDAMIS@ec.europa.eu eDAMIS help centre: http://forum.europa.eu.int/irc/dsis/edamis/info/ data/website/index.htm Only if eDAMIS Web Application not available eDAMIS WEB-Portal or CIRCA UPLOAD (please contact Berthold Huber)
Thank you for your attention! Any questions or problems? Please contact Berthold.Huber@ec.europa.eu