Composites: What and Why A composite dataset is a collection (over some time period and region) of similar data (e.g. surface met) from a variety of sources, put into a common format, and passed through a uniform quality control. Why does UCAR/JOSS develop composites? - Provides data in a uniform format with QC. - Allows determination of network/site problems. - Useful for model applications. - Prevents duplication of effort.
GENERAL DATASET PROCESSING LIFE CYCLE Time ACTION Phone, email, paperwork, $, meetings, procurement arrangements. (Days to months) (Minutes to months) Auto retrieval, FTP, online requests, etc. (minutes to days) Verify AOI, TOI, Format; spot check values, visual inspection or limited processing (Minutes to days) Format change, new parameters manual “cleanup”, etc. Purchase hardware, configuration management, etc. (Minutes to days) Put into common format, run data checkers “check gross limits” (Days to months) HQC for SFC, Gross limits for precip, Composite level and value checkers, limited statistics (% G, B, D by network, stn, parameter for SFC). (days to months) 1 Contact SRC Agency to Acquire Data and Metadata 2 Wait for SRC Agency Data/Metadata Preparation days/months 3 Acquire Data and Metadata OR Create “Best” Metadata 4 Examine Data & Metadata for Consistency and Completeness Incomplete? 5 Develop New Software or Modify Existing Software 6 weeks/months Acquire Computer System Space and Time Incomplete? 7 Process Data and Metadata then Check Incomplete? 8 Form Composite with Like Datasets Add stn info to final list 9 Perform QC and Final Data Checks. Generate Statistics Processing Problems? months/year Prepare ASCii format data & docs for CD-Roms Create EBUFR format data & DOCS for CODIAC Prepare, manufacture, & distribute CD-Roms Load Data and Metadata onto CODIAC z:\cully\Esop96\esop3.ppt
Hourly Surface Meteorological Data Composite (743 stations) CoAgMet (*) (23) AWOS (*) (110) RAWS (+) (10) SCAN (o) (6) GWMD (*) (18) Ameriflux (+) (3) HPCN (o) (72) Texas ET (o) (19) KVII-TV (+) (4) MADIS (o) (246) NMSU (*) (7) 5-min sites (o) (225)
Composite Data Sets To Be Developed by UCAR/JOSS for IHOP-2002 Surface Meteorological - 1 min, 5 min, and Hourly Precipitation - 15 min, Hourly, and Daily Soundings - High Resolution and 5 hPa
1-min Surface Meteorological Data Composite (65 stations) ASOS (41) ARM SMOS (14) ABLE AWS (5) NCAR Supp. (5)
5-min Surface Meteorological Data Composite (224 stations) Oklahoma Mesonet (115) NCAR ISS/ISFF (10) West Texas Mesonet (34) 1-min sites (65)
15-minute Precipitation Composite NCDC Coop (429) 5-min surface (224)
Hourly Precipitation Composite NCDC Coop (509) NCEP hourly (1155) Hourly Met (743)
Daily Precipitation Composite NCDC Coop (1581) Hourly Met (743) NCEP Daily (1611)
IHOP 2002 DATA BASE STATUS (as of 30 September 2003) 215 of 254 Data sets (85%) have been submitted or linked. 204 are available on-line (11 in progress) Field Catalog (w/reports and preliminary products) is on-line Data submission instructions and guidelines are available on-line Upper Air Composites (hi-res/5 hpa) are available on-line Surface Composites to be available Fall 2003 (TRICK or TREAT!) For details see: