Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Rehousing in HMIS Ohio Balance of State HMIS December 11, 2014 I’ll intro myself plus whoever (if anyone) will be presenting with me, making it clear which CoC’s we are from.
Which clients should be entered? RRH and HP Only All clients receiving any HP or RRH services (besides intake) should be entered into HMIS or, if the agency is a victim services provider, a comparable database. Ask your Grant Manager if you are unsure whether or not you are a victim services provider. Households placed into housing using HCRP program rules and staff, but whose financial services are funded with non-HCRP money should be entered into the appropriate provider. Clients that go through intake and are eligible, but do not receive further services should not be entered into your HCRP provider. Indicate the funding source in the Service Transaction. Also enter a “Housing Search and Placement” service transaction for the clients receiving this service. A client may go through intake and be eligible but fall out of contact with their case manager, find something else on their own, or whatever. If asked: If a Balance of State agency wants to track these clients for their own purposes, they can enter the client using the “Basic” Entry Exit Type. If anyone else asks about this tell them to ask their HMIS admin.
What is an Entry Date? RRH and HP Only Entry Date = the first date on which the following criteria are met: Client has submitted all paperwork Client is determined to be eligible Agency has agreed to provide services Client has agreed to receive services Move-In Date (RRH Only) = Date the client moves into housing. Note to Balance of State agencies: If you have been doing this wrong, please correct back to 10/1/2014.
What is an Exit Date? RRH and HP Only Date the client receives their last service, including Case Management. This includes situations where the client stops engaging with the case manager. In this case, the Exit Date should be the date of the last service received, likely the last rent payment date. It also includes situations where the client is determined to be no longer eligible, as that determination would constitute a Case Management service.
Corrections If your agency has been entering its clients’ Entry Dates incorrectly, your data needs to be corrected back to October 1, 2014. These changes may cause overlaps in program stays between shelters and RRH projects. And that is ok! To find the extent of the problem at your particular agency, run the “Data Quality: Entry Exits and Assessments” report and check the Missing & DKR 2 tab. Charlotte!
Service Transactions HCRP: RRH and HP Only Each client should have one Case Management Service Transaction to indicate that client’s intake process. Each client should also have a second Service Transaction of some kind besides Case Management. It does NOT have to be financial; it can be “Housing Search and Placement”. Recertifications must be done every 90 days regardless of HP or RRH.
Collecting Income Data on HCRP Rapid Rehousing Clients Income is not an eligibility factor at Entry, however it still must be collected and entered into HMIS on all adults. (This does not apply to SSVF!) Income is an eligibility factor at the 90-day Recertification. Recertifications should be done every 90 days regardless of HP or RRH.
Collecting Income Data on Homelessness Prevention Clients Income is an eligibility factor at Entry. Income is also an eligibility factor at all subsequent Recertifications. If you have questions about this, please contact your Grant Manager.
Balance of State Regions: ODSA Grant Managers Balance of State Regions: 1: Kimberly Alexander 2: Patrick Hart 3: Kimberly Alexander 4: Robert Johnson 5: Kimberly Alexander 6: Robert Johnson 7: Patrick Hart 8: Robert Johnson 9: Samantha Makoski 10: Kimberly Alexander 11: Jeannette Welsh 12: Samantha Makoski 13: Patrick Hart 14: Patrick Hart 15: Patrick Hart 16: Kimberly Alexander 17: Jeannette Welsh 18: Jeannette Welsh