Let’s Prepare! -------BYOT is allowed.
Hope, Despair, and Memory Lesson 3
Let’s Review!
Today’s Outcomes TSWBAT comprehend and summarize the main points of an informational text, specifically The Declaration of Independence. TSWBAT determine an author’s purpose for writing a specific text. TSWBAT read, comprehend, and evaluate a novel to increase the volume, fluency, and proficiency of various reading skills.
Let’s Prepare!
Let’s Prepare! -------BYOT is allowed.
Let’s Read! 3 minutes
Think Time Let’s Pause! 10 seconds What ideas did the framers of the Declaration of Independence express in the document
Think Time Let’s Pause! 10 seconds What are some of the ideas about government that are implied in the Declaration of Independence?
Why did some of the colonists want to remain under British rule? Think Time Let’s Pause! 10 seconds Why did some of the colonists want to remain under British rule?
Let’s Work With Words! Synonym Swap 3 minutes -------BYOT is allowed. Oppressions Redress Petitions Unwarrantable Jurisdiction Appealed Magnanimity Conjured Disavow Consanguinity Acquiesce Rectitude -------BYOT is allowed. Synonym Swap 3 minutes
Let’s Express Our Understanding! Summary 7 minutes
Let’s Write! Summary 15 minutes Guiding Questions: Skill Tip: Summaries are concise, so you may have to combine sentences to meet the required length. Guiding Questions: Who is writing the declaration? Where is the setting? When does the action take place? What seems to be the conflicts? Why is there a conflict? Is there any background information?
Let’s Write! Proofreading 8 minutes Skill Tip: Summaries are concise, so you may have to combine sentences to meet the required length.
Let’s Express Our Understanding! Revisions Let’s Express Our Understanding! 5 minutes Skill Tip: Summaries are concise, so you may have to combine sentences to meet the required length.
Let’s Close! I got this! Help!
Reading Log Question: Describe the main character(s) of your novel. Independent Reading Purpose of Independent Reading: To grow a LOVE for reading. To improve READING FLUENCY and COMPREHENSION. To increase your VOLUME of reading. Reading Log Question: Describe the main character(s) of your novel.