Welcome Introductions Goals: Recognize opportunities presented by CCES, Professional Standards, and Evaluation Rubric Identify the 5 professional standard areas Reflect on and brainstorm about your practice Introductions
Opportunities For SLMCs And ITFs
Opportunities For SLMCs and ITFs Professional Standards which correlate with other national and state standards and guidelines Evaluation Rubric Pilot CCES Standards Implementation
About Media Coordinators and CCSS “Please don’t let the absence of the words ‘school librarian’ in the standards dissuade them -or you- from recognizing the librarian's critical role in bringing these standards to life in the library, in classrooms, and in learning”(Morris 11). SLMCs are certified teachers and librarians ITFs are certified teachers and educational technology specialists
SLMCs and ITFs: CCES Implementation Collaborates, co-instructs on projects across disciplines Instructs content area teachers on literacy skills (multiple literacies such as reading and digital) Partners with teachers to redesign activities that are research driven and that integrate CCES Helps teachers make connections Curates primary and digital sources Library of Congress National Archives Learn NC
SLMCs and ITFs: CCES Implementation SLMCs and ITFs are leaders in their libraries, their classrooms, their schools, and beyond PLCs, PLNs, SIT, CCES implementation teams, etc. Actively participates, contributes, problem solves as a leader in the school Provides PD for school faculty, instructional support for teachers Guides teachers in selection of instructional materials and digital tools to effectively implement CCES Advocates for the media and technology programs
21st Century Library Media Programs Let’s capitalize on this time of transformation!
Professional Standards SLMCs ITFs
Standard 1: SLMC and ITF Leadership Leader Advocate Collaborator Instructor Ethical Educator
Meets the Needs of All Students Standard 2: SLMC Meets the Needs of All Students Engaging environment Accommodates multiple learning styles Adjusts for diversity Provides open, equitable access to resources IMG SRC: http://flic.kr/p/6f79Aa
Standard 4: ITF (corresponds to Standard 2: SLMC) Meets the Needs of All Students Engaging environment Facilitates collaboration Differentiated instruction Equitable access Content, technology tools, resource integration
Standard 3: SLMC Program Facilitator High quality, learner centered collection, supporting CCES 21st century media program Research/inquiry based learning facilitator Integrate to meet curriculum goals (CCES) Resource and digital tools specialist Enable effective and ethical use of information
Standard 3: ITF Program Facilitator 21st century IT program Apply professional expertise Resource and digital tools specialist Digital tools for inquiry based learning (**CCES) Promote digital citizenship Integrate to meet curriculum goals (**CCES)
CC recognizes literacy as the foundation for learning Standard 4: SLMC Pedagogy Expert Knowledge of learners, learning, and teaching Curriculum (**CCES) & 21st century skills Technology & information Teacher of teachers Reading advocate CC recognizes literacy as the foundation for learning
Standard 2: ITF (corresponds to Standard 4: SLMC) Pedagogy Expert 21st Century content and tools Technology and information Curriculum goals (**CCES) Collaborate to integrate Teacher of teachers
Reflective and adaptable Standard 5: SLMC and ITF Reflective and adaptable Data driven Student achievement Professional growth Thrive amidst complexity
Thrive Amidst Complexity teacher webmaster committee chair therapist lifelong learner team builder technician facilitator club sponsor leader reading promoter collaborator volunteer coordinator tech wiz manager partner
Questions to Ask Yourself Do I use CCES to inform my practice? Do I know my nonfiction collection as well as I know my fiction collection? Do I understand my professional standards and how I will be evaluated in the future? Does my principal know my professional standards and how I will be evaluated in the future?
Resources to Consult Articles Morris, Rebecca. "Find Where You Fit in the Common Core or the Time I Forgot About Librarians and Reading." Teacher Librarian. 39.5 (June 2012): 8-12. Gewertz, Catherine. "Common Core Thrusts Librarians Into Leadership Role." Education Week. 32.3 (September 11, 2012): 1, 18-19. Web. 25 Sep. 2012. <http://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2012/09/12/03librarians_ep.h32.html?cmp=SOC-SHR-FB>. Hill , Rebecca. "All Aboard!:Implementing Common Core Offers School Librarians an Opportunity to Take the Lead ." School Library Journal. (April 1. 2012): n. page. Web. 25 Sep. 2012. <http://www.schoollibraryjournal.com/slj/printissue/currentissue/893928-427/all_aboard_implementing_common_core.html.csp>. Webcasts/Webinars Cox, Tamara, Kristen Hearne, and Monique German. "Your Common Core Secret Weapon With the Librarians in the Middle." TL Virtual Cafe. Blackboard Collaborate, 01 Oct. 2012. webinar. <http://tlvirtualcafe.wikispaces.com/Common_Core>. Arsonson, Marc, and Sue Bartle, perf. "Part I On Common Core-Getting Real." School Library Journal , 18 Oct. 2012. web. <http://www.slj.com/2012/09/webcasts/part-i-on-common-core-getting-real-marc-aronson-and-sue-bartle/>. (Part 1 of a 3 part series)
Credits Arsonson, Marc, and Sue Bartle, perf. "Part I On Common Core-Getting Real." School Library Journal , 18 Oct. 2012. web. <http://www.slj.com/2012/09/webcasts/part-i-on-common-core-getting-real-marc- aronson-and-sue-bartle/>. (Part 1 of a 3 part series) Gewertz, Catherine. "Common Core Thrusts Librarians Into Leadership Role." Education Week. 32.3 (September 11, 2012): 1, 18-19. Web. 25 Sep. 2012. <http://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2012/09/12/03librarians_ep.h32.html?cmp=SO C-SHR-FB>. Hill , Rebecca. "All Aboard!:Implementing Common Core Offers School Librarians an Opportunity to Take the Lead ." School Library Journal. (April 1. 2012): n. page. Web. 25 Sep. 2012. <http://www.schoollibraryjournal.com/slj/printissue/currentissue/893928- 427/all_aboard_implementing_common_core.html.csp>. Instructional Technology Division, NCDPI Morris, Rebecca. "Find Where You Fit in the Common Core or the Time I Forgot About Librarians and Reading." Teacher Librarian. 39.5 (June 2012): 8-12.
Reflecting/Brainstorming Activity Using the SLMC and ITF Professional Standards, Piloted Evaluation Rubrics, CCES, and your colleagues’ expertise, complete the chart (available for you to download from wiki): identify activities that you currently implement which correlate to your professional standards work w/table members to brainstorm additional Accomplished/Distinguished actions you could take to meet your professional standards (I would recommend working with SLMCs and ITFs from districts other than your own. Different perspectives may be enlightening.) determine how these activities are/can be used for CCES implementation in your media program, school, and beyond
If you need to move to another table, feel free! Get Started! If you need to move to another table, feel free!