National Charter & Expansion Committee National Convention 2013 Sponsoring a Campus Club National Charter & Expansion Committee National Convention 2013
Expectations of a Sponsoring Club Have a local Post-Secondary Institution Provide guidance and education through participation Positive Role model (reporting and dues on time) Provide Campus Club with new member kits Host a Charter night for the new Club What Kin expects to see in a sponsoring club -
What do Students Expect Energy and Enthusiasm! To be treated as adults To be mentored, not lead The tools and information to do the job properly Autonomy, to a degree Experience
Student Interest Student approaches your club or National Charter and Expansion Committee. Drive interest externally Prepare your club for the latter Either you have interested students already, or you need to develop the interest.
Driving Interest - Poster, Brochures and Post Cards Look up schools Shinerama info and contact the chair Create a Facebook page for the school’s Campus Kin Contact School’s Student Administrative Council (SAC) and offer promotional materials Contact school and ask to attend Froshweek with a booth
Driving Interest con’t Ask Club members if they know of family friends attending the school Offer to sponsor a Campus event (check legalities) Host a student dinner info meeting What are your ideas??
Once Interest exists 1 – Provide Student with letter to the Dean 2 - Contact the University to find their sample Charter and Clubs & Societies guidelines. 3 - Hold Information session 4 - Create a constitution based on Kin’s guidelines and the Universities (the National Charter & Expansion Committee may be able to assist you with this). 5 - Register your club with the University. Letter is on file with NCEC. Info session as to what Kin is, why we are involved, what it will offer the students. NCEC is happy to help you with an info session presentation. Provide students with copy of existing constitutions as a guideline.
Let us know so we can help! Contact National Charter and Expansion Committee email: Now that it is broken down into these steps, it should be a little easier and less confusing for you. However if chartering a campus club is something that you are interested in, contact the National Charter and Expansion Committee at and someone will definitely contact you back. Thank you for caring about your Campus Community! 8
Additional Information This step is huge! Most important one of the whole process. It should be no longer than 30-45 minutes and it not only will this make or break each person’s mind who has come to see what Kin is about, but if it is a good session, word of mouth is a fantastic way to market and without any extra work, people that attended will tell their friends. You want to give them information about Kin (i.e. brief history about Hal Rogers founding over 90 years ago and how we became partners with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Mention that CF is our Charity of choice but make sure you are not throwing too much information out. Other good information to share is how Kin Canada is run (i.e. we have a headquarters, how Canada is broken up into Districts and further into Zones making smaller manageable groups) and a few of the large service projects we run like Organ Donor Awareness, or Kin Canada Bursaries. Make it interactive. Ask them questions, like has anyone heard of Cystic Fibrosis, or ask them about what they would like to get from a service organization (this may remind you of things we do and you forgot to mention that is a benefit of Kin, since there is so many!). Hold it on Campus. A lot of students do not have cars and are skeptical of leaving campus for an information session, they will see it as too much work initially before they know enough about our Organization. Have food if you can, everyone loves free food if this is an option for you. Make sure you explain the benefits and again be passionate about it while you do it. You are obviously sharing Kin with these students because you love Kin and enjoy it, so convey that message at the same time.
Information Session Informative, but brief. Hold it on Campus (if allowed) Make it a social gathering. Make it interactive. Show them the benefits. Sell Kin, and be passionate. This step is huge! Most important one of the whole process. It should be no longer than 30-45 minutes and it not only will this make or break each person’s mind who has come to see what Kin is about, but if it is a good session, word of mouth is a fantastic way to market and without any extra work, people that attended will tell their friends. You want to give them information about Kin (i.e. brief history about Hal Rogers founding over 90 years ago and how we became partners with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Mention that CF is our Charity of choice but make sure you are not throwing too much information out. Other good information to share is how Kin Canada is run (i.e. we have a headquarters, how Canada is broken up into Districts and further into Zones making smaller manageable groups) and a few of the large service projects we run like Organ Donor Awareness, or Kin Canada Bursaries. Make it interactive. Ask them questions, like has anyone heard of Cystic Fibrosis, or ask them about what they would like to get from a service organization (this may remind you of things we do and you forgot to mention that is a benefit of Kin, since there is so many!). Hold it on Campus. A lot of students do not have cars and are skeptical of leaving campus for an information session, they will see it as too much work initially before they know enough about our Organization. Have food if you can, everyone loves free food (AVOID ALCOHOL) if this is an option for you. Make sure you explain the benefits and again be passionate about it while you do it. You are obviously sharing Kin with these students because you love Kin and enjoy it, so convey that message at the same time.
Information Session Why are you in Kin? What will they have to do and what will the Club do? Have time for questions and socializing afterwards. Make sure you let them know that the club works as a team and your club is there to assist them. They CAN work around their school schedule, have meetings WHENEVER it works for THEM and can put as much effort in it as they can. (mention the more you put in the more you get back). Give out some kin memorabilia as door prizes if you can, you may want to discuss this with your sponsor club to see if they can assist you. Have time for questions afterwards as some students will not ask in front of the group. Make sure you have more than just yourself there to answer questions and make everyone feel welcome. You could even have available some suggestion forms on the tables or around the rooms to allow those who do not want to speak but have ideals.
First Meeting Make it fun. Set guidelines/expectations for the year. Explain executive roles and ask for nominations. Give everyone a role in Charter night planning. Generate ideas for events. Create a roster to give to headquarters (sample roster is in Starter Kit) Keep them excited for the next meeting. Similar to information session, maybe have a kin member speak about awards program and what the different kin events are, i.e. FLC, spring zones, etc.
Charter Night Everyone must have a role in the event. Have a planned social after to introduce fellow Kin members to new Campus Club members. Congratulate everyone and share your excitement for them becoming members in Kin. Show them the fellowship and support. (Planning a Charter Night for Campus Clubs guideline in Starter Kit) Just some quick information about this step, there is a guideline as well for how to create a charter night.