Fabulous Fifties Cold War to Rock N Roll
Korean War Korea had been split into two countries after WWII – North Korea – Communist and South Korea – Non-communist June 1950 – Communist N. Korea attacks Non-Communist South Korea Truman requests the UN to send soldiers What year did the Korean War begin and Why? Who requested troops from the United Nations?
Korean War 1950 –1953 – UN forces headed by MacArthur lands to free South Korea from North Korean Communist aggression in Sept 1950 China enters war on North Korean side. MacArthur wants to bomb China – Truman refused MacArthur criticizes Truman in public and is fired Who led the UN troops in South Korea?
Korea Location of Korea in Asia Korea is located west of what country?
Korean War Ends 1952 – Dwight D Eisenhower is elected President – hinted that US was considering using the atomic bomb 1953 Armistice is signed Cost to US 54,000 lives in 3 years and billions of dollars Who is elected President in 1952 who threatened to end the war with the use of nuclear weapons? When did the armistice end the Korean War?
McCarthyism 1950’s version of the Red Scare HUAC – House Un-American Activities Committee assignment was to look for Communist influence in America. Two famous cases brought Communism to hysteria levels in the US What was McCarthyism?
Alger Hiss Worked in the State Department Accused of spying for the Soviets by hiding important State Dept secrets in a pumpkin
Ethel and Julius Rosenberg Soviets explode bomb in 1949 Convicted of giving secrets to the soviets on how to build the atomic bomb Convicted and electrocuted in 1953
Eisenhower Interstate System Ike spent 30 billion on 40,000 miles of new highways He realized the importance of getting men and supplies from one place to another in a national emergency
Baby Boomers Between 1945 and 1960, the nation grew from 140 million to 180 million Returning Soldiers married and had children Suburbs grew – Levittown TV became widely available
Movie Idols Marilyn Monroe James Dean
Rock N Roll Elvis Presley Fats Domino
Civil Rights Movement Begins 1954 Brown vs. Topeka Board of Education Segregation is a denial of equal protection under the law - therefore illegal
Thurgood Marshall Argued the Brown case for the NAACP Became the first African-American Supreme Court Justice
Rosa Parks 1955 she refused to give up her seat to a white man once the bus was filled. Parks was arrested for Civil Disobedience NAACP organized the Montgomery Bus boycott. Martin Luther King was asked to speak at a rally
Boycott Ends 1956 – Supreme Court ruled that Montgomery’s Segregation law was unconstitutional.
Little Rock, Arkansas Little Rock Nine were going to attend a white school under court order Governor ordered the National Guard to surround the school to keep them out. President Eisenhower had to provide federal troops to escort the students into school.
Non- Violent Protests Sit Ins Refusal to move until demands are met - Freedom Rides Whites would sit at the back of the bus and blacks would sit at the front At terminals blacks would try to use the “whites only” water fountains, bathrooms etc.
Birmingham Bombing 1957 a church was bombed killing four young children in Sunday School. Suspect now just going to trial
Martin Luther King 1963- SCLC organizes March on Washington to protest King gives his “I have a Dream” speech 1964 – Civil Rights Act passed that prohibits a state from using different voting standards for blacks and whites. Gave federal gov’t right to integrate schools.
24th Amendment 1964 – Outlawed Poll taxes ( Poll taxes are fees people pay to vote)
Malcolm X Part of Black Muslims Hatred for whites – Black Supremacy Converted to Islam Rejected King’s Non-Violence approach Went to Mecca After Mecca he no longer supported Black Supremacy 1965 gunned down by members of his former organization the Black Muslims Who was the Black Muslim leader who advocated Black Supremacy when MLK was preaching Non-violence?