Observations of the Sky
Observations of the Sky What patterns, motions, and events do we notice in the sky? What theories can we create to explain them? How can these theories be tested?
Constellations Groups of stars in same area of sky Not necessarily related by distance, age, type,
Connected by imagination & stories Constellations Connected by imagination & stories
Connected by imagination & stories Constellations Connected by imagination & stories
Connected by imagination & stories Constellations Connected by imagination & stories
Sun “Signs” The Sun appears to move during the year “in front” of 12 different constellations The “Zoo-diac” Why?
Sun “Signs” Earth’s orbit around Sun creates that image
H. A. Rey (Author of Curious George H. A. Rey (Author of Curious George!) “The Stars” 1980, from Houghton Mifflin Co.
First Discussion Activity – FIND your expected sunsign Do the activity What happened?
But is your sun sign really your sign?