Information Session for Parents of First Years June 15th 2018
Agenda for this evening Welcome School Calendar Purpose of the meeting School Transport School Vision School based initiatives Class groups, Core Subjects and Option Subjects Extra curricular activities Achievements School Uniform and Book Lists Pastoral Care JCSP information
School Vision and Mission Statement Respect, Community and Success. Mission Statement Ramsgrange Community School is a welcoming, open and inclusive school. Our aim is to develop each of our students as a whole person by promoting an atmosphere of respect, honesty and fairness in which all the school community can achieve their full potential.
Transition from Primary to Post-Primary How can you help? Listen to your child Be patient about settling in time Help with organisation of books, copies etc Ensure school rules are respected eg attendance, punctuality, uniform, books, equipment etc. Check and sign school diary Attend parent/ teacher meetings.
Class Groups, Subjects etc All students do all subjects in 1st year. Information evening on subject choices in March 2019. Guidance Counsellor 5 core exam subjects Irish, English, Maths, History, Geography. CSPE is a short course. Religion and SPHE Chose any three from: Metalwork, Woodwork, TG, Home EC, Business, Science, Art, French, Music.
Calendar and Transport Full Calendar will be published on school website Full Calendar will be posted out to all homes before the end of June Bus Éireann, Waterford.
Meitheal, Initiatives and Extra Curricular
What to do when……….? My child must leave during the school day? My child is sick? My child needs help with his/ her homework I would like to meet with P/DP/YH/Teacher
HSCL, SCP and Attendance. HSCL= Home, School and Community Liaision officer: Ms.Ann Cadogan. SCP= School Completion Person Clodagh Russell/ Annmaria Irish. Attendance Ms.O Connor and Ms. Edwards.
Full School Uniform everyday NO RUNNERS!!! Black/Navy leather shoes only School Jacket/ Half Zip only
Rest of expenses are outlined on booklist Cost €60 student services fee €5 Insurance €8 Journal Rest of expenses are outlined on booklist
Wednesday 29th August 9-1.20pm Dates Monday 27th August 9-11am Tuesday 28th August 9-11am Wednesday 29th August 9-1.20pm
GDPR Data Protection See school website
Child protection Child Safeguarding Statement and Risk Assessment are on the school’s website. Please visit.