The Cold War Cultural Literacy
Unit Objectives To learn cultural and iconic symbols and people of the Cold War and 1950s
Truman Defeats Dewey (Election of 1948)
Douglas MacArthur: Led U. S Douglas MacArthur: Led U.S. forces in Korea until getting fired for publically disagreeing with the president
Joseph McCarthy: Led the Second Red Scare by accusing many in the government of being Communists; The Army fought back, making him look bad
Berlin Airlift: Response to the Berlin Blockade (East Germans blockaded access to Berlin)-U.S. flew supplies into Berlin for over a year
Dwight D. Eisenhower: Led U. S Dwight D. Eisenhower: Led U.S. forces in Europe during WWII, President after Truman, Authorized construction of Interstate Highways as an efficient way to move military around the country
Nikita Kruschev and his Shoe at the United Nations
Sputnik: 1st satellite in space, launched by Soviets, caused there to be more emphasis on math and science in American schools
U2 Spy Plane: Shot down over Soviet Union, pilot was captured, U. S U2 Spy Plane: Shot down over Soviet Union, pilot was captured, U.S. embarrassed caught spying on Soviets
Fidel Castro: Took over Cuba in the 1950s and allied himself with Soviets, made Cuba Communist
Nuclear Bomb Shelter
Mercury 7: America’s first class of astronauts
Levittown: First suburb
Elvis Presley
Kennedy-Nixon TV Debate: First televised national debate; Helped JFK win the 1960 election
Kennedy Nixon Continued
Cuban Missile Crisis: Soviets placed nuclear missiles in Cuba
JFK Assassination: Nov JFK Assassination: Nov. 22, 1963; Lee Harvey Oswald was the alleged shooter-Did he act alone?
JFK Funeral