Character Strong Unit 7: Lesson 1 Eight essentials ON DESK: Leadership Notebook & Pencil Character Dare Packet
Essential Trait = Reflection Read = X (if you read the whole dare) TRACK YOUR WORK Essential Trait = Reflection Read = X (if you read the whole dare) Complete = X (if you did) Incomplete = X (if you did not) Comment = How did it go or why didn’t you do it?
TODAY YOU WILL… You will reflect daily on your own character and identify ways you could improve it. You will understand that choosing love is living in freedom because you are not being controlled by emotions. You will be able to identify at least three gifts you have as a leader and two areas you can improve in connection with the Eight Essentials. You will have basic understanding of the definition of each of the Eight Essentials.
The eight essentials Under James C. Hunter’s Servant-Leadership model, Agapē’ is defined by the Eight Essentials. The Eight Essentials are Patience, Kindness, Humility, Respect, Selflessness, Forgiveness, Honesty, and Commitment. Any easy way to remember this is by the mnemonic device: Pink Kittens Have Red Socks For Halloween Costumes The answer to the question, “How do I serve and sacrifice for others?” is “Agapē Love.” The answer to the question, “How do I demonstrate Agapē love?” is “The Eight Essentials.” The daily CharacterDares are important because each Dare can connect to one or more of the Eight Essentials.
Eight essentials activities In your own words define the essential in twenty words or less. Create a new Superhero with your Essential in the title and share two of their superpowers connected to the Essential. 3. Give a real life example in your school of someone who lives this Essential and a reason why.