A study on state of the art of cultural activities on the sparsely populated areas in Poland WP 03: Multilateral baseline survey Presenter: Rafał Dadak Bistrampolis, 20 – 22 of June 2016
1. The current culture policy in Poland with particular reference to the rural areas The sparsely populated areas in Poland are mostly the rural areas, as defined in the Polish Rural Areas Development Programme; Cultural activities may be realized in Poland by all non-governmental organisations (NGOs), such as associations or foundations, if only culture/artistic activities – related goals are described in the statute of the organisation in line with so called ”social benefit activity sphere”, described in the Public Benefit and Volunteer Work Act, defining the scope of possible activities of the NGOs All the entities realising cultural policy in Poland or running cultural centers/units, including NGOs, need to realise their activities on the base of the Organisation and Conducting Cultural Policy Act, as well as the Public Benefit and Volunteer Work Act.
1. The current culture policy in Poland with particular reference to the rural areas The State patronage regarding NGOs running cultural centers/units is being realised in a form of the Minister of Culture Programmes; The cultural policy, on the regional/local levels, is being realised by the local government units in the frame of so called „Development Strategies” created for a specific region; The guidelines for cooperation between the local government and non-governmental organisations are clarified in so called “NGOs Cooperation Programmes”; Finances for cultural activity the NGOs in Poland must acquire themselves. This is the biggest challenge for the cultural centers/units run by local communities/civil society organisations; The level of financing for the cultural sector by the local government units, on the regional/local level in Poland, is very diverse;
1. The current culture policy in Poland with particular reference to the rural areas Challenges: Rural Areas Development Strategy does not identify, specifically, culture-related subjects concerning rural areas; There was no document developed in Poland for the craft industry yet, that would define the development strategy for this sector; Under-invested road infrastructure; Low level of promotion of the rural/sparsely populated areas and their cultural centers/units, also those being run by non-governmental organisations;
1. The current culture policy in Poland with particular reference to the rural areas Opportunities: The Rural Areas Developement Programme designed for the period 2014-2020 would support the cultural activities as well as national heritage preserving activities in the frame of the LEADER Programme; The programme will be being realised by so called Local Activity Groups operating on the local levels; The projects foreseen for co-funding are to create synergy of activities in the fields of: cultural resources – creativity stimulation - touristic product – economical potential growth; Projects preferred would be those implemented in socio - economic and public partnership, that would serve to satisfy the needs of the local community;
2. Examples of good practices
2. Examples of good practices The Crafts Track in Małopolska and ETNOMANIA festival in Wygiełzów Arts&crafts cross-generations
2. Examples of good practices FOLKOWISKO Festival in Gorajec Look at the world from the little village at-the-end-of-the-world perspective + Discussing important social issues
2. Examples of good practices The "Kultura na Granicy” Association and “CINEMA AT THE BORDER” festival How to grow from 11 up to over 100 in 7 years
3. Risks & challenges faced by voluntary culture associations in Poland Low level of social communication Low level of social capital Disintegration of the art communities Low level of cooperation between the NGO’s and culture, education, science and business sectors Low awareness of the importance of cultural education Insufficient use of cultural potential for development processes Insufficient financial resources for the sustainability and development of cultural projects Difficulties in obtaining sponsors The bureaucratic system of fundraising by NGOs and individual artists Lack of a coherent cultural policy of local governments Low activity of artists in the economic life and the difficulties in the development of the cultural industry Low accessibility of the national heritage in a multimedia forms Low level of digitization of culture resources Insufficient building cultural competence in society through cultural education Low level of cultural activity and restrictions on access to culture in rural areas Inconsistent process of digitization and sharing of cultural resources Lack of creative and innovative behaviours at the group level Not adapted rules of functioning of cultural institutions to the needs of customers Low activity of artists in the economic life Unfavourable institutional environment for the development of the creative industries sectors Not adapting of cultural offer to the pattern of spending free time Dependence of NGOs from public funds and lack of ability to generate their own revenue Low awareness of the importance of innovation as a key factor for the development of social capital Lack of specific studies on the participation of NGOs in culture Low level of knowledge about the cultural needs of the local communities No significant achievements of the institutions of culture in attracting new audiences Coordination of cultural activities - the difficulty in creating a common calendar of events
4. Recommendations how to improve providing cultural activities by voluntary culture associations in Poland Using of cultural heritage as potential for development Adapting the cultural offer for different audiences Sustainable amount of cultural events in the year The growing importance of cultural tourism Conducting a public debate about culture and its role for the development Increasing the number of international cultural projects, co-funded by the EU funds and other sources Development of new forms of participation in culture - the use of new technologies The answer to the growing demand for cultural events Increasing recognition of heritage sites as tourist attractions in rural areas Improving of communication and cooperation between public, economic and social entities (NGO) Increasing the number grass-roots initiatives Implementation of modern management standards and new technologies Building social capital through a sense of community, mutual trust and the ability to use common cultural heritage Using a network of NGOs for the promotion of cultural activities Reacting to changes in the pattern of participation in cultural life - fostering participation and cooperation The using of culture by NGOs to build social cohesion and encourage volunteering Increasing NGO’s cultural activities through intergenerational, original projects Searching of charismatic people to work with youth and proficient in the use of high tech communication tools Development of skills of designing multimedia and interdisciplinary events Strengthening local leaders The creation of local (social) culture coordinators Studying of the cultural needs of local communities
Thank you for attention! Rafał Dadak Foundation of Alternative Educational Initiatives Bielsko-Biała, POLAND www.fundacjaaie.eu faie@fundacjaaie.eu +48 511 551 439