Fifth Grade: Theme 1 Selection 2 Meeting Challenges 1
fē ver = fever sī lent = silent V CV Syllable Pattern The vowel is usually long when the division of a V CV word is before the consonant. Example: fē ver = fever sī lent = silent 2
V CV Pattern fever labor item broken spider aroma climate label legal hotel icon solo basic agent silent vocal motive acorn native vital 3
V CV Pattern Challenge Words rhinoceros notation idealistic society equation 4
How Fast Can You Read the Words? Spelling Fluency How Fast Can You Read the Words? fever vocal broken native climate silent hotel labor basic spider
How Fast Can You Read the Words? Spelling Fluency How Fast Can You Read the Words? label acorn icon item agent aroma motive legal vital solo
How Fast Can You Read the Words? Spelling Fluency How Fast Can You Read the Words? society rhinoceros notation idealistic equation
Night of the Twisters Teacher Read Aloud: Activate Prior Knowledge: Share what you know about the challenges of test taking.
After hearing the title, predict what the selection will be about. Purpose Setting: After hearing the title, predict what the selection will be about. Dan, Arthur, and Dan’s baby brother Ryan are home alone when a tornado hits the house. They seek shelter in the basement. They hear the tornado as it destroys the house above them. What caused the boys to seek shelter in the basement? Describe the damage caused by the tornado. 9
Build Concept Vocabulary “A tornado’s forward speed is generally thirty to fifty miles an hour,” a meteorologist had told us. Ten seconds more and that howling, shrieking tornado was upon us. The roaring had started somewhere to the east, then came bearing down on us like a hundred freight trains. There was nothing but terror as the roar of that tornado went on and on.
Concept Vocabulary Web meteorologist Storms Challenges in Nature Careers tornado roaring terror severe Descriptions
Comprehension Skill: Cause and Effect An effect is what happened as the result of a cause. A cause is what made something happen. Words such as why, because, and as a result are clues to cause-and-effect relationships. If there are no clue words, ask yourself, “Why did this event happen? What happened as a result of this event? An effect may become the cause of another effect. 12
Cause Effect Cause Effect Cause and Effect Chain Cause Effect Cause Effect 13
Strategy: Monitor and Fix Up Good readers make sure they understand what they are reading. If you don’t understand how causes result in certain effects, pause. Ask yourself, “What don’t I understand?” You might decide to review what you’ve read and read on to find out what happens. 14
Cause and Effect Chain The Real Thunder and Lightning inside a cloud, opposite electrical charges flow toward each other lightning flashes inside the cloud Rapid heating of the air along a lightning flash thunder 15
Thunder Rose Author: Jerdine Nolen
Genre: Tall Tale Tall tales are amusing stories told with great exaggeration and bigger-than-life characters. The events are exaggerated and impossible.
More Books Written by Jerdine Nolen
marked by burning the skin with a hot iron branded Rose and her pa spent the whole next day sorting the animals that had not been branded. Synonyms: marked
put together; fitted together; built constructed She constructed a thunderbolt as black as pitch to punctuate her name. Synonyms: built
with delicate beauty; freshly and prettily daintily As a newborn, Rosa lifted a cow over her head and did so quite daintily. Synonyms: gracefully
The act of laying waste; destruction devastation Calmly Rose spoke out loud to the storm as she stood alone to face the wrack and ruin, the multiplying devastation. Synonyms: destruction ruin
lullaby song for singing to a child; soft song Synonym song Mom and dad sang Rose a lullaby.
a thick, black, sticky substance made from tar or turpentine pitch Her eyes were bIack as pitch, and she was strong as a bull. Synonym:
good at thinking of ways to do things; quick witted resourceful Her ma was right grateful to have such a resourceful child. Synonym: clever enterprising imaginative
stealing thieving “Somebody had to put a stop to their thieving ways.” Synonym: dishonest crooked stealing
membranous tubes forming part of the system of vessels that carry blood to the heart veins The child had the power of thunder and lightning coursing through her veins. Synonym: blood vessels
How Fast Can You Read the Words? Vocabulary Fluency How Fast Can You Read the Words? branded lullaby constructed pitch daintily resourceful devastation thieving veins
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words! branded constructed daintily devastation lullaby pitch resourceful thieving veins Draw! Draw! Draw!
Free Association 1. branded 2. constructed 3. daintily 4. devastation When I say a word, you write down any words you can think of that remind you of that word. For example: The word is school: learning Science pencils Reading Math teachers P.E. Education 1. branded 2. constructed 3. daintily 4. devastation 5. lullaby 6. pitch 7. resourceful 8. thieving 9. veins
Classifying Place the following words in categories: branded constructed daintily devastation lullaby pitch resourceful thieving veins Decide the names of the categories. Determine how many categories. Determine which words go in which categories. After classifying the words, write a paragraph explaining each of the categories and why certain words go in a particular category.
Can You Find the Context Clues? The woman walked ______________ down the street after getting her nails polished. The baby fell asleep when she heard the ____________________. The highway crew used _____________ to patch the road. He was so angry that you could see the ____________bulging from his neck. It was necessary for families to relocate to shelters due to the __________________ caused by the flood. The ranchers __________________ their livestock. Carter was not respected by his peers because they were aware of his ___________ ways. I think he is a very ______________director, who seems to create wondrous plays every time! The teacher was pleased with the __________________ sentences of her sentences. branded; constructed; daintily; devastation; lullaby; pitch; resourceful; thieving; veins
Synonym Search Match the vocabulary words on the left to the correct synonyms on the right. Some vocabulary words have more than one synonym. Ready, set, go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! crooked f. imaginative k. blood vessels b. clever g. destructing L gracefully c. song h. dishonest m. marked d. stealing i. enterprising n. e. ruin j. built o branded constructed daintily devastation lullaby resourceful thieving veins
Word Association Challenge Which word goes with perfume? Why? 2. Which word goes with circulation ? Why? 3. Which word goes with music? Why? 4. Which word goes with ownership ? Why? 5. Which word goes with a factory ? Why? Some words can be used more than once. Can you figure out which ones? 6. Which word goes with highways? Why? 7. Which word goes with starting your own business? Why? 8. Which word goes with hurricanes? Why? 9. Which word goes with pocketbooks and wallets? Why? Word Bank branded; constructed; daintily; devastation; lullaby; pitch; resourceful; thieving; veins
Tell Me What You Know Describe a time when you were resourceful. 2. Compare and contrast veins and garden hoses. 3. What are the causes and effects of thieving? 4. Explain why ranchers branded their animals? 5. Create a Tree Map of the devastation that occurs from the forces of nature. 6. List things that can be constructed. 7. Identify characteristics of a person who behaves daintily.