802.24 Vertical Applications TAG March 2016 Meeting Sands Venetian Hotel, Macau, PRC Tim Godfrey, EPRI
doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> 802.24 Overview Officers TAG Chair: Tim Godfrey Secretary & TAG Vice Chair: Ben Rolfe Task Groups 802.24.1 Smart Grid TG Tim Godfrey 802.24.2 IoT TG Chris DiMinico 38 Voting Members Agenda: 24-16-0007-00-0000 Meetings for the Week Monday PM2 Tuesday PM2 Wednesday PM2 Manual attendance tracking for 802.1 & 802.3 members <author>, <company>
Agenda - 24-16-0007-00-0000 Tim Godfrey, EPRI 1 Monday PM2 session 2 1.1 Call session to order, present “Guidelines for IEEE SA meetings”, Quorum Godfrey 5 4:00 PM 1.2 Approval of Agenda 4:05 PM 1.3 Introduction/meeting objectives 4:10 PM 1.4 Approve January TAG minutes 24-16-0003-00-0000 4:15 PM 1.5 Review action items from previous meeting 4:20 PM 1.6 802.24.1 Smart Grid Task Group business 4:25 PM 1.7 P2030.5 Liaison Report Heile 10 1.8 New Topic Introduction: White paper on FAN / NAN applications and terminology disambiguation 20 4:35 PM New Topic: 802C and 802.15 LLC (ULI) and implications on overall network integration of 802 for grid applications 4:55 PM 1.9 New Topic Introduction: 802.1 Time Sensitive Network (TSN) - applications in utility networks 5:15 PM 1.10 Recess 5:35 PM 2 Tuesday PM2 session 2.1 TAG Business - Call to Order Elections for 802.24 TAG chair and vice chair Godfrey/Rolfe 2.2 802.24.2 IoT Task Group business DiMinico 2.3 802.24.2 Liaison Coordinator's Report Diab 15 2.4 P2413 Liaison Report Winkel 4:50 PM 2.5 IIC Liaison Report, Incoming Liaison request from OPC 5:10 PM 2.6 Review and plan IoT white paper development 30 5:40 PM 2.7 3 Wednesday PM2 session 3.1 Call to Order - 802.24.1 Smart Grid Task Group business 3.2 Development of Sub-1 GHz White Paper 3.3 Finalize Smart Grid Whitepaper Companion Presentation 4:40 PM 3.4 802.24 TAG Business 3.5 IEEE 802 Student Paper Contest Update Gilb 3.6 Review action items from current meeting 3.7 Adourn (breakout with 802.1 TSN TG for further discussion of TSN and utility networks) Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Guidelines for IEEE-SA Meetings All IEEE-SA standards meetings shall be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, including antitrust and competition laws. Don’t discuss the interpretation, validity, or essentiality of patents/patent claims. Don’t discuss specific license rates, terms, or conditions. Relative costs, including licensing costs of essential patent claims, of different technical approaches may be discussed in standards development meetings. Technical considerations remain primary focus Don’t discuss or engage in the fixing of product prices, allocation of customers, or division of sales markets. Don’t discuss the status or substance of ongoing or threatened litigation. Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed… do formally object. --------------------------------------------------------------- If you have questions, contact the IEEE-SA Standards Board Patent Committee Administrator at patcom@ieee.org or visit http://standards.ieee.org/about/sasb/patcom/index.html See IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual, clause 5.3.10 and “Promoting Competition and Innovation: What You Need to Know about the IEEE Standards Association's Antitrust and Competition Policy” for more details. This slide set is available at https://development.standards.ieee.org/myproject/Public/mytools/mob/preparslides.ppt March 2015 IEEE-SA Standards Board Patent Committee
Administration Attendance take on IMAT Web page Mailing list Reciprocal rights for most WGs Web page http://www.ieee802.org/24 Mailing list stds-802-24@listserv.ieee.org 802-24-voters@listserv.ieee.org (voters list) Document archive http://mentor.ieee.org/802.24/documents IEEE 802 announcement reflector, stds-802-all@listserv.ieee.org Send email to listserv@listserv.ieee.org with no subject and with the following 2 lines appearing first in the body of the message Subscribe stds-802-all end Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Monday: 802.24 TAG Approve January minutes Action Items: 24-16-0003-00-0000 Action Items: None Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Monday 802.24.1 Tim Godfrey, EPRI
New Liaisons and Industry Activity relevant to 802.24.1 Discussion on 24.1 liaisons and relevant industry activity SGIP OpenFMB Considered in January – no activity identified Smart Grid Coordination Group in Europe ETSI group parallel to SGIP <http://www.cencenelec.eu/standards/Sectors/SustainableEnergy/SmartGrids/Pages/default.aspx> Useful Output: Identify the use cases that the standards serve, and provide them to the industry. That can then define who is an appropriate liaison Need to educate and inform liaisons to gather needs and requirements with respect to IEEE 802 projects. Identify the tools we have available, and present the available toolbox. Tim Godfrey, EPRI
P2030.5 Liaison Report Update on February Meeting in Santa Clara Tim Godfrey, EPRI
FAN / NAN applications / terminology New Topic – call for interest: Potential white paper on FAN / NAN applications and terminology disambiguation 802.15.4g, 802.15.4k, and 802.16, and 802.11ah Glossary, framework, and annotations - link to IEEE 2030 definitions Tim Godfrey, EPRI
802C and 802.15 LLC (ULI) New Topic: 802C and 802.15 LLC (ULI) and implications on overall network integration of 802 for grid applications Incorporation of 802.15.9 What is needed at layer 2 to enable routing at layer 3? How is 6lowpan applied? E.G. in WiSUN. Is there a value to develop a white paper? Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Time Sensitive Networks 802.1 / 802.3 Time Sensitive Network (TSN) - applications in utility networks Deterministic Ethernet – how does it apply to utility industry? IEC has some requirements for realtime (in TC57) and also 61850 Is there a value to develop a white paper? Breakout after Wednesday closing: join 802.1 TSN TG for further discussion and collaboration TSN Summary (Michael Johas Teener - Chair, Time Sensitive Networking Task Group) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6Xurc4m_PVsZ1lzWWoxS0pTNVE/view?usp=sharing Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Tuesday: 802.24 TAG Election of Officers Procedure in 802.24 Operations Manual document 24-14-0007-00-0000 Announced Candidates Tim Godfrey (Chair) Ben Rolfe (Vice Chair) Election of Chair Vote: / / Election of Vice Chair Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Tuesday: 802.24.2 802.24.2 Liaison Coordinator's Report Wael Diab P2413 Liaison Report Ludwig Winkel IIC Liaison Report, any new liaison requests Review and plan IoT white paper development Chris DiMinico Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Wednesday 802.24.1 Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Development of sub 1 GHz White Paper Draft updated: 24-15-0029r2 Author Assignments: 802.15.4g (SUN) Overview Steve Pope 802.11ah (S1G) Yongho Seok 802.15.4m (TVWS) Kunal Shah, Ben Rolfe 802.11af (TBD – Rich Kennedy?) 802.19.1 Tuncer Baykas 802.22 Apurva Mody Sub-1GHz Applications Jeritt Kent (open for other contributors) Coexistence (TBA) Global regulatory environment John Notor? Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Finalization of SG Companion Presentation (24-14-0035-08) Slide 12: 802.1X Security. Mick Seaman? Slide 13: 802.11 Security (Tim) Slide 14: 802.15 Tero? 802.16 Security - Tim 802.22 Security – Apurva Non Mains and LP applications – Chris Calvert & Ruben Salazar Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Student Paper Competition Paper Deadline Extended to 15 March Any papers at the deadline should have been forwarded to us by this time. Judging Committee Volunteers Ben Rolfe Jeritt Kent Ludwig Winkel Ruben Salazar Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Student Paper Competition Judging / Scoring Each aspect on a 0-10 scale Follow Published judging criteria document 24-16-0004r0 Decision Timeline Final decision by teleconference in April Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Wednesday 802.24 TAG Tim Godfrey, EPRI
802.24 TAG closing Any New Business? Capture action Items from this meeting Tim Godfrey, EPRI
Adjourn Tim Godfrey, EPRI