Dr. Unnikrishnan P.C. Professor, EEE EE305 Power Electronics Dr. Unnikrishnan P.C. Professor, EEE
Main features of firing circuits In Thyristor Converters: Power Circuit: High Voltage, >100 V Gate Circuit : Low Voltage, 12 to 30 V Isolation required between thyristor and gate pulse generating circuit- either by pulse transformers or opto-couplers
How to trigger the thyristor ? R Triggering RC triggering UJT triggering Pulse triggering using digital control
Half wave rectifier with R triggering R1-limits gate current R2-variable resistor to vary the firing angle Rg-gate stabilizing resistor limits gate voltage D –prevents gate current during negative half cycle of the ac supply voltage We can achieve maximum firing angle up to 90°.
Design of R1 If R2 = 0 , gate current flows through RL, R1 , D and gate to cathode
Design of Rg Drop across Rg should not go beyond Vgm Rg is high when R2=0
By varying R2 vGK can be varied Design Steps When OFF By varying R2 vGK can be varied
Gate Threshold voltage With different values of R2 Vgk VGp>VGT VGp=VGT VGT VGp<VGT 90° <90° ωt 0 ° <α<= 90° Triggering gate voltage, VGT: This is the voltage to apply across gate and cathode to reach the IGT current and then to trigger the device.
Half wave rectifier with RC Triggering In the positive half cycle, the capacitor is charged through R1 and R2 up to the peak value of the applied voltage. The variable resistor R2 controls the charging time of the capacitor. Higher R2 means higher time constant, more time required to get charged to gate trigger voltage, Large firing angle. We can achieve firing angle more than 90°. A varying voltage applied across the gate and the cathode. When this voltage reaches minimum gate trigger voltage ,thyristor is fired and turns ON.
Half wave rectifier with RC Triggering A varying voltage applied across the gate and the cathode. When this voltage reaches minimum gate trigger voltage ,thyristor is fired and turns ON. In the negative half cycle, capacitor C is charged up to the negative peak value through resistors with Vab negative. Diode D1 is used to prevent the reverse break down of the gate cathode junction in the negative half cycle.
Uni Junction Transistor (UJT) Peak-Point Emitter Current. Ip. It is the minimum emitter current required to trigger the device (UJT). Valley Point Voltage VV Emitter voltage at the valley point.
Uni Junction Transistor (UJT)
UJT Triggering UJT as Relaxation Oscillator Can produce sharp pulses at constant frequency. When Vs is applied, C charges through R, at a time constant RC
UJT as Relaxation Oscillator When Vc reaches peak point voltage Vp UJT conducts and C discharges through R1 Produces pulses across R1. This pulse is applied across the gate of the thyristor When Vc less than the Valley voltage Vv, UJT turns OFF
Line Synchronised Triggering circuit When the input is AC supply, some method is to be adopted to synchronize its oscillations with the frequency of AC supply. For this, supply voltage of relaxation oscillator should be taken from AC supply through a diode rectifier and a zener diode. Zener diode clips the voltage at VBB
Line Synchronized UJT Triggering Circuit courtesy Motorola Semiconductor Products Inc.
Pulse triggering using digital control
Generation of trigger pulse using microcontroller
Optocouplers Consists of IR LED & photo transistor Provides electrical isolation b/w control ckt. & power ckt. When the IR LED is turned ON, photo transistor also turns ON