Inspire…to fill someone with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative (Oxford Dictionary definition)
Year 9 – Prison! Me! No Way! Theme – Crime, prison and the judicial system Uniform – full school uniform Break – 10.50 am Lunch – 1.15 pm
Year 9 Prison! Me! No Way! Sneak preview Activities… Street scene Harrassment & relationships Prison Life Magistrates court Choices & consequences Alcoholics Anonymous
Year 9 Prison! Me! No Way! Sneak preview Links to SMSC Spiritual development Sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them, including the intangible Willingness to reflect on their experiences Moral development Ability to recognise the difference between right and wrong and their readiness to apply this understanding in their own lives Understanding of the consequences of their actions Interest in investigating, and offered reasoned views about moral and ethical issues Social development Willingness to participate in a variety of social settings, cooperating well with others and being able to resolve conflicts effectively Interest in, and understanding of, the way communities and societies function
Year 9 Prison! Me! No Way! Sneak preview Links to British Values Rule of law - encouraging the understanding that everyone has rights that are protected by the law and that there are consequences to our actions Links to CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance) Pupils understand that choices made now can impact on future well-being
We hope you all have a fun and inspiring day and enjoy all of the activities planned