Year 3 Curriculum Sharing Evening Mr Poole and Miss Green
Year 3 and Key Stage 2 Independence & Responsibility Your child will be expected to take responsibility for his or her own belongings. Children will be in charge of: changing their reading book as well as handing in letters, homework and planners. Swimming/PE kits.
Literacy Spelling/Guided Reading – every morning. 1 week GR, 1 week Spelling. Language and Literacy Scheme. Big Write every other week. Discrete grammar sessions during Big Write. Reading – during Guided Reading sessions and Literacy lessons. Book bands from last year continue.
A daily ‘Five a Day’ challenge based on arithmetic skills. Maths Taught daily – Abacus. A daily ‘Five a Day’ challenge based on arithmetic skills. KS2 Calculation policy is on the school website.
∙ Rainforests Winter Traditions Egyptians The Stone Age The UK Topics ∙ Rainforests Winter Traditions Egyptians The Stone Age The UK
Madame Baillie to teach both classes. Recap the basics first. French Madame Baillie to teach both classes. Recap the basics first.
PSHCE New beginnings and feeling welcome Working and playing together Exploring feelings Following the SEAL theme for the year Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism
PE/Games Swimming every other Tuesday (alternating classes) PE on a Wednesday and Thursday Gymnastics Dance Hockey Netball/Football Rugby Basketball Tennis/Rounders Cricket/Sports Day
Swimming Year 3 swim every Tuesday at school swimming pool Your kit should include: costume, towel and swimming hat. Swimming teachers to collect children and set children according to ability.
Rewards and Sanctions Team points Star of the week Value bands - truth, polite, respect, try your best and kindness – they restart in KS2. Codes system Orange – 10 minutes of break time Blue – whole of break See Mrs Salmons and code written in planners
Homework Given out on Thursday and collected in the following Thursday Literacy and Maths homework every week – linked to learning in school 4 times reading a week = 1 TP, 7 times = 3 TP. Signed off in planners
Trips and Visits Visit from Virtual Space Reality - booked Plant Talk (TBC) Zoo Lab - booked Egyptian Day – History off the Page Stone Age Day – Hill End
Playtime No official playtime in the afternoon but we are aware that sometimes they will need a break. Healthy snacks – fruit and veg for morning break.
Parent Consultations Thursday 6th December 4.30pm-8pm Friday 7th December 8.00am-1:00pm
Contact Notes in planners – only checked on Thursdays On the playground after school Email office for more formal meetings
Any Questions?