Region Relationships 2 MAFS.3.G.1.2
Lesson Opening Using your pattern blocks, answer the following questions: How many green triangles are in one blue rhombus? How many blue rhombuses are in one yellow hexagon? How many red trapezoids are in one yellow hexagon?
Lesson Opening Using your pattern blocks, answer the following questions: How many green triangles are in one blue rhombus? How many blue rhombuses are in one yellow hexagon? How many red trapezoids are in one yellow hexagon? 2
Lesson Opening Using your pattern blocks, answer the following questions: How many green triangles are in one blue rhombus? How many blue rhombuses are in one yellow hexagon? How many red trapezoids are in one yellow hexagon? 2 3
Lesson Opening Using your pattern blocks, answer the following questions: How many green triangles are in one blue rhombus? How many blue rhombuses are in one yellow hexagon? How many red trapezoids are in one yellow hexagon? 2 3 2
So, the triangle is 1 2 of the rhombus. If 2 green triangles are in 1 blue rhombus… Then, the green triangle is what FRACTION of the blue rhombus? 1 2 1 2 The green triangles represent 2 EQUAL PARTS, or 2 halves of the blue rhombus. So, the triangle is 1 2 of the rhombus.
Exploration Time Use your pattern blocks to explore the questions on your practice page.
Exit Ticket A green triangle is put on top of a red trapezoid, shown below. The triangle is what part of the trapezoid? 1 2 1 3 1 4 2 3