Fig. 4 Infection-induced CLV dysfunction is associated with decreased LMC coverage. Infection-induced CLV dysfunction is associated with decreased LMC coverage. (A) Representative immunohistochemical images of uninfected mouse hindlimb and mouse hindlimb 36 hours after infection stained with αSMA (crimson, arrowhead) and TUNEL (brown); n = 4 mice per group. Scale bar, 40 μm. (B) Representative intravital image from segment of PLV of an αSMAPDsRed/C57BL/6 mouse interstitially injected with FITC-dextran; n = 4 mice per group. Arrowhead indicates lymphatic vessel. Arrow points to blood vessel. Scale bar, 100 μm. (C) Representative intravital image from PLV segments of αSMAPDsRed/C57BL/6 mice on the indicated days. Scale bar, 100 μm. (D) Quantification of αSMA-positive cells per 100 μm of PLV; n = 4 to 8 mice per group. (E) Representative image from PLV segments of C57BL/6 mice, stained with anti-αSMA, on the indicated days. Scale bar, 100 μm. (F) Computer-automated quantification of % αSMA-positive area of PLV; n = 3 to 4 mice for each group. (G) Representative image from a segment of PLV stained with anti-αSMA (red) 260 days after infection and corresponding control (contralateral) PLV. Scale bar, 25 μm. Arrowheads indicate adjacent blood vessel (posterior tibial artery). (H) Computer-automated quantification of % αSMA coverage of PLV 260 days after infection or corresponding age-matched control (contralateral) popliteal lymphatic vessel (n = 5, both groups). For (D) and (F), statistical analysis was performed using one-way ANOVA comparison with Fisher’s least significant difference post hoc analysis. For (H), statistical analysis was performed using Student’s unpaired two-sided t test. Error bars show SEM. *P < 0.05. Dennis Jones et al., Sci Transl Med 2018;10:eaam7964 Published by AAAS