GTZ SMEDP LED Approach in Vietnam Phu Quoc, Sept 24, 2008 Dr GTZ SMEDP LED Approach in Vietnam Phu Quoc, Sept 24, 2008 Dr. Lothar Mahnke
How do we wanted to make it successful ? We all are VIP´s for the LED-Process in the provinces We should have a common understanding of LED We should know about possibilities, pre-conditions and limits of a LED-Process We should inform us We should network We should motivate us
LED Approach GTZ-Vietnam Step 1: Sensitization Workshops PACA Step 2: Strategy-Making Start-Paper Stakeholder-Groups (Workshops, Meetings) Additional Studies Step 3: Activity-Planning Short- and Midterm Projects PACA Strategic Projects (Step 2 and Dialogue-Fora) Step 4: Project-Implementation Discussion and Decision in Dialogue-Fora
Project-Start on Provincial Level Basic Orientation (May-Mission) Official Start Provincial Coordination Board Orientation of Provincial Project-Team Preparation of Start-Paper Workshops/Meetings with Stakeholder-Groups PACA-Exercises and Follow Ups Already realized PACA Start-Paper 6. Preparation of Provincial Strategy First Meeting of Dialogue-Fora 7. Action-Plan (Projects for first year) Second Meeting of Dialogue-Fora 8. Implementation of Projects of PACA-Follow Up and Action-Plan
LED-Sequence on Provincial Level Preparation with Partners in Provinces Coordination Board Existing Studies, Reports etc. Start-Paper LED – Sensitization Workshop Dialogue-Forum MONITORING Action-Plan PACA - Excersises evt. Studies Follow Up PACA-Proposals Projects
Reminder LCB Private Sector Cooperation Cooperation between departments Strength/Weaknesses in comparison Provincial Goal/Strategy Start-Paper What is specific in the province PACA Methodologies and Instruments PCI-Workshops Dialogue-Fora Investment Promotion Activities Promotional Materials/Webpages Eye Opening InWEnt-Trainings
Objectives An Giang Access to Technology Improve Business Environment (PCI) Strengthen Tourism-Sector (Cooperation in Mekong-Region) Cross-Border Trade Agro-Business (Value Chain) Start Up-Support
Vision Dak Lak “In the year 2015 Dak Lak will have reached the national average of the economic key-indicators and will have increased the GDP/Capita by 100%.”
Strategy Hung Yen - Objectives Increase share of Industry and Service Sectors within a fast and sustainable growth rate Increase People´s Income Improve Technology and Industry Reach Structural Change in the Employment of Hung Yen Province Improve Investment Climate Become PCI within the Top 10
Lessons Quang Nam Close to Danang – Advantage/Disadvantage Construction-Sector Improve Labour-Force to Growth-Sectors USP: Tourism (Hoi An, not Forrest) To increase Value in Quang Nam Development is different in the Districts Open Economic Zone – Investment Promotion
Do we have changed the style ? Informal…we listen as well as talk… Interactive…you give as well as get..