Air pollution, transport and noise - Introduction to EEA’s activities Martin Adams
Multiannual work programme 2014-2019 Supporting the developing policy framework Strategic Areas Informing policy implementation Assessing systemic challenges Knowledge co-creation, sharing and use EEA management
1: Informing policy implementation Air pollution, transport and noise Industrial Pollution Climate change mitigation and energy Climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation Water management, resources and ecosystems Marine and maritime, fisheries and coastal Biodiversity, ecosystems, agriculture and forests Urban, land use and soil Waste and material resources
Air quality, air emissions Air pollution, transport and noise team Air quality, air emissions Transport, noise Recruitment in process – national expert air pollutant emissions Recruitment in process – national expert air quality
European Topic Centre on Air Pollution and Climate Change Mitigation (ETC/ACM) A consortium of 14 European organisations, under contract to EEA. The Netherlands Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) is the lead organisation. RIVM Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) Umweltbundesamt Wien (UBA-V) Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI) Öko-Institute Öko-Recherche Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) Aether Emisia Institut National de l’Environnement Industriel et des Risques (INERIS) Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (CSIC/IDAEA) 4sfera Innova Universitat Autónoma de Barcalona (UAB) VITO
Delivering the MAWP 2014-2019 ACC1: Air pollution, transport and noise Objective To support and inform policy development and implementation in the areas of air pollution, transport and environment and noise by means of data, information/indicators and assessments. Specifically: to collect, process, quality assure, store and disseminate historical and where possible up-to- date (i.e. near real time) data underpinning these policies; to support countries with the reporting of data towards the European Commission, the UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) and the EEA; to adapt and further develop EEA information systems (e.g. Reportnet, databases, viewers) to accommodate anticipated changes in country reporting; to make use of Copernicus atmosphere services to support the EEA data and information products on air quality, including near real time data; to support countries and the European Commission with relevant analyses and compilations of the reported information and with direct policy support; to track progress towards, and provide outlooks for, the achievement of targets as defined in relevant EU and international legislation, including the long-term objectives of minimising impact from air pollution and the decarbonisation of the transport sector; to produce integrated and targeted assessments of air pollution, noise and transport and environment, the impacts on human health, climate change and the environment and the effectiveness and co-benefits of policies and measures in these areas as well as in related environmental areas; to increase knowledge and understanding of air pollution and climate change inter-linkages, pursuing an integrated approach to promote efficiencies and improved implementation. Data compilation, quality assurance, dissemination, international reporting (LRTAP) (datasets, dataviewers, maps, ‘up to date’ information etc) Policy support – European Commission & Member States, tracking progress to targets, indicators Thematic assessments, cross-cutting activities
Air pollution, transport and noise Processes ● Support to EU Air Quality, Fuel Quality and Noise Expert Groups/Committee ● Support to international processes: LRTAP Convention, TFEIP etc. ● Implementation of air quality ‘e-reporting’ IT infrastructure, AQ IPR meetings ● Reporting from countries (air quality, air emissions, noise, CO2 from vehicles, fuel quality) 2016 Assessments ● Explaining road transport emissions – a non-technical guide (Q1) ● European Aviation Environment report (Q1 – jointly with EASA, Eurocontrol) ● NEC Directive status briefing 2015 (Q2) ● European Union emission inventory report under the UNECE LRTAP Convention (Q2) ● Noise quiet areas in Europe (Q2) ● Non-technical guide to electric vehicles (Q3) ● Air quality in Europe – 2016 report (Q3) ● CO2 emissions performance of car and van manufacturers in 2015 (Q4) ● Fuel Quality Directive – fuel quality monitoring in 2015 (Q4) ● Annual Transport and Environment Reporting Mechanism report (TERM) (Q4) Meetings ●11-12 May EIONET/TFEIP (Zagreb) ● 3 June EIONET Transport (EEA, Copenhagen) ● 21-22 Sept EIONET Noise (EEA, Copenhagen) ● Oct EIONET Air Quality (Sweden) ● Expert workshops: COPERT5, IPR AQ reporting (x2)
Supporting implementation: disseminating environmental information A range of tools and products provide environmental information to our stakeholders: briefings reports websites ‘near-real-time’ air quality data online dataviewers datasets for download social media infographics EU networks and Eionet etc. The European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) Improving public access to environmental information. Information from > 28 000 facilities available on the E-PRTR website
Example: Ambient air quality in Europe Air pollutants and greenhouse gases have impacts on human health and well-being, ecosystems and climate. Source emissions data: LRTAP Emissions Report (EEA, 2015) nitrogen particulate matter ground-level ozone nitrogen dioxide ‘black carbon’ Emissions of all main air pollutants have decreased
Air quality – key messages Europe’s air quality is expected to slowly improve in future years to 2030, but beyond this year additional measures are needed to protect health and the environment. The most problematic pollutants affecting human health are particulate matter (PM), ground-level ozone (O3) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Health impact estimates associated with long-term exposure to PM2.5 show that this pollutant was responsible for 432 000 premature deaths in Europe in 2012 The estimated impacts in 2012 of NO2 and O3 exposure were around 75 000 and 17 000 premature deaths respectively. The number of Member States meeting EU air quality standards is slowly increasing, but a large number are not in compliance (NO2, PM10). While much progress has been made in reducing the impacts of acidification, eutrophication is now a growing concern. Source: EEA Air quality in Europe – 2015 report
People living in EU cities are exposed to harmful levels of air pollution Source: EEA ‘Air Quality in Europe – 2015’ report EU limit/target values WHO guidelines PM2.5 87 - 93% O3 97 - 98% PM10 61 - 83% NO2 8 - 12% PM2.5 9 - 14% O3 14 - 15% PM10 17 - 30% NO2 8 - 12%