Spaces are filling up fast! Primary Newsletter – Friday 14th September 2018 WELCOME We welcome our new reception class who are now all in school and settling in really well. Children will begin their first full day on Monday. Parents, carers and families of our new reception children are invited to a special welcome assembly on Friday 28th September. We hope to see you all there. MCMILLAN COFFEE MORNING We are once again hosting our annual coffee morning to raise money for McMillan. This will be held on the morning of Friday 28th September and parents, carers and families will be invited, then the whole of the primary phase will get the opportunity to join in after. Any donations on the day of home made or shop bought cakes would be most welcome. GRAMMAR +, SPORTS AND MEDIA SCHOLARSHIPS A reminder for our year 6 children that the deadline for our brand new pathways are fast approaching. If you would like your child to be considered for the Grammar +, Sports or Media scholarships we must receive your supplementary forms no later than Friday 5th October. Spaces are filling up fast! We will of course give priority to our current year 6 SMA pupils over pupils from other schools. If you think your child is academically gifted or talented in any of these areas please check under the admissions tab on the website for more information. Alternatively email Ms Thurston UNIFORM Many thanks to those parents and carers who ensure their child attends school every day in the correct uniform. Please be reminded of the following: The yellow polo shirts need to be bought from the school shop and they must have the school logo on. Plain black shoes or boots are permitted. Boots are not allowed. Coats and jackets can only be navy blue or black. Class teachers will continue to monitor children who come into school with the incorrect uniform. KINDNESS– QUOTE OF THE WEEK "Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see." -Mark Twain
Teresa House Class: Lions Let Your Light Shine Class : Butterfly DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Friday 28th September McMillan Coffee Morning New Reception Welcome Assembly Thursday 4th October Phonics workshop for reception and year 1 parents 9am and 2.45pm Friday 5th October Jaguar Class (6E) Assembly 2pm Wednesday 10th October Reception 2019 Open Morning Friday 12th October Lion Class (4/5) Assembly 2pm Thursday 18th October Year 2 SATs Meeting Friday 19th October Panther Class (3E) Assembly 2pm 22nd -26th October Half Term – School Closed Monday 29th October Back to school STAR OF THE WEEK Each week, one child from each class is named as ‘Star of the Week’ for working really hard on one of our learning characteristics: Persistence, Aspiration, Collaboration, Independence and Versatility. This week we congratulate the following children for being chosen for Bumblebee Broggan Tiger Olivier Dragonflly Raheem Lion Aaron Butterfly Neryah Wolf Nishan Ladybird Louise Jaguar Opera Panther Sirin Eagle Eryn Cheetah Isabelle ATTENDANCE CUP WINNER PUNCTUALITY PANDA WINNER Class : Butterfly Class: Bumblebee BEST ATTENDANCE HOUSE: Teresa House GOLDEN TABLE WINNERS Well done to the ‘Golden Table’ winners this week who displayed excellent manners in school. GOSPEL CORNER In this week’s Gospel, Jesus asks His disciples the question: “Who do you say that I am?” Although the crowds that have seen or heard Jesus are not sure who He may be, St. Peter identifies Jesus as the Christ, “the anointed one.” It is good for us to know multiple names and titles for Christ, but we must also know about Him as well as His mission. In this way, we can tell and teach others about Jesus Christ. Dragonflly Etana Tiger Glory Butterfly Valentine Lion Sheena Ladybird Riley Wolf Leah Panther Precillia Jaguar Nathaniel Cheetah Chardonnay Eagle Patient Class of the Week. For having the most children wearing the correct school uniform. Class: Lions Have a lovely weekend Mrs Beckley