Proposed Service Delivery Model Overview & TIMELINE GEAR UP Ky Proposed Service Delivery Model Overview & TIMELINE
To increase the number of low-income students that graduate from high school and enroll and complete postsecondary education. Authorized by Congress in 1998, GEAR UP is a competitive federal grant program designed to increase the college-going rate of low-income students. State grant – only one per state; has statewide geographical reach and is required to have a scholarship component; can provide statewide activities such as staff development, professional development for schools, conferences, etc. Partnership grant – can have multiple in a state, has more local service area. There are now only two GEAR UP partnership projects in Kentucky. Only Berea College was successful in gaining funding again in 2011. Berea College’s GEAR UP programs run independently of GEAR UP Kentucky, but we collaborate with them on a few activities such as our annual Institute. Matching grant – Every federal dollar spent requires a match (you will hear the RPMs talk about match from the schools) GEAR UP NATIONWIDE
Increase high school graduation and postsecondary enrollment rates Objective #1 Increase academic performance & preparation for postsecondary education Objective #2 Increase high school graduation and postsecondary enrollment rates Objective #3 Increase student and family knowledge of postsecondary education options, preparation, and financing GEAR UP NATIONWIDE
GEAR UP NATIONWIDE There are two types of grants: State Partnerships Authorized by Congress in 1998, GEAR UP is a competitive federal grant program designed to increase the college-going rate of low-income students. State grant – only one per state; has statewide geographical reach and is required to have a scholarship component; can provide statewide activities such as staff development, professional development for schools, conferences, etc. Partnership grant – can have multiple in a state, has more local service area. There are now only two GEAR UP partnership projects in Kentucky. Only Berea College was successful in gaining funding again in 2011. Berea College’s GEAR UP programs run independently of GEAR UP Kentucky, but we collaborate with them on a few activities such as our annual Institute. Matching grant – Every federal dollar spent requires a match (you will hear the RPMs talk about match from the schools) GEAR UP NATIONWIDE
State vs. Partnership Grants State Grants Management of state grants is designated by the governor, and each state can only have one. State grants do not have to include community partners, and direct services may be provided through contractors. Funding levels vary by state, but can be no more than $3.5 million per year. GEAR UP NATIONWIDE
State vs. Partnership Grants A state can have as many partnership grants as they are awarded by the US Department of Education. Partnerships do not have to provide a scholarship. Partnerships must include a college, a school district, and at least two community partners. Federal funding is limited to $800 per student served. GEAR UP NATIONWIDE
NCCEP - National Council for Community and Education Partnerships Designated technical assistance provider for GEAR UP Our primary legislative advocate Is introducing a membership model Two annual conferences - REQUIRED 501c Our voice on the Hill – Along with technical assistance, NCCEP also provides advocacy for continued federal support for all GEAR UP programs nationwide with Congress Two conferences – NCCEP hosts two conferences a year; GEAR UP staff are required to participate (some on-the-ground staff may have an opportunity to go at some point): Workshop in February National conference in July (Youth Congress) GEAR UP NATIONWIDE
The mission of GEAR UP Kentucky, the state GEAR UP program, is to research, identify, and test strategies for reproducing a sustainable college-going culture in Kentucky schools with a high percentage of low income students It’s about LONG TERM CULTURAL CHANGE in these schools. OUR MISSION
Every Student Prepared for College Success Does not say career or even postsecondary ed – it says COLLEGE because that is what the funds are provided to support. Those are Kentucky adjustments to reflect the state’s workforce focus – however we recognize that to be ready for College Success is ready for Career Success. OUR VISION
THE BIG PICTURE GEAR UP Kentucky $3.5 million in federal funding - $280,000 indirect funds annually to CPE Seven Years (2018 - 2025 +) Total Federal - $24,500,000 million (-$2,422,000) Total Federal - $1,960,000 indirect Dollar-for-dollar match = Total value of the program w/match $49,000,000 Serving at least 10,000 students Has no scholarship component Introduces a hybrid model serving priority and cohort students Introduces college freshmen services (in-person & text-based) THE BIG PICTURE
GEAR UP Kentucky – changes since GUK 3 Change in student curricula Change in text(s) – Ramsey/CCC and Skinny to Thriving Through series Change in benefits funding Changes in partnerships Changes in regional coverage Adding Computer Science PD and coding camp for students (TI) Adding data support staff THE BIG PICTURE
(At-home curricula)
Partnership Development Statewide Community/Education Network Partnership Development
LOGIC MODEL Direct Services: Provide services directly to students and parents GUK services are designed to support the four pillars for student success SELF, FAMILY, INSTITUTION and COMMUNITY. Each school-based strategy encompasses an implementation plan for a customized college-going curriculum for students and parents; complementary college planning activities; assessments and instructional resources and tools; and professional development training materials. There are key topics that must be covered in each curriculum area and optional topics to add clarity and provide intensity when students have a greater need. All GEAR UP students are eligible to participate in all activities though it is expected that all student may not require all that is provided by the program.
Staffing GEAR UP Ky 2018 – 2025: Cohort and Priority Students Served GUK Framework for a College-Going Culture HANDOUT GUK Six Year Schedule of Services HANDOUT Direct Services: Provide services directly to students and parents GUK 3.0 services for students and parents are designed to support five research-based strategies. Each school-based strategy encompasses an implementation plan for a customized college-going curriculum for students and parents; complementary college planning activities; assessments and instructional resources and tools; and professional development training materials. There are key topics that must be covered in each curriculum area and optional topics to add clarity and provide intensity when students have a greater need. All GEAR UP students are eligible to participate in all activities though it is expected that all student may not require all that is provided by the program. The five research-based strategies are: Staffing
WHAT IS GUK GUK Framework for a College-Going Culture HANDOUT GUK Six Year Schedule of Services HANDOUT Direct Services: Provide services directly to students and parents GUK 3.0 services for students and parents are designed to support five research-based strategies. Each school-based strategy encompasses an implementation plan for a customized college-going curriculum for students and parents; complementary college planning activities; assessments and instructional resources and tools; and professional development training materials. There are key topics that must be covered in each curriculum area and optional topics to add clarity and provide intensity when students have a greater need. All GEAR UP students are eligible to participate in all activities though it is expected that all student may not require all that is provided by the program. The five research-based strategies are: WHAT IS GUK
Staffing Staffing Structure Executive Director Director of Student and School Services Director of Operations & Partnership Research & Evaluation Manager Support Staff GUK Framework for a College-Going Culture HANDOUT GUK Six Year Schedule of Services HANDOUT Direct Services: Provide services directly to students and parents GUK 3.0 services for students and parents are designed to support five research-based strategies. Each school-based strategy encompasses an implementation plan for a customized college-going curriculum for students and parents; complementary college planning activities; assessments and instructional resources and tools; and professional development training materials. There are key topics that must be covered in each curriculum area and optional topics to add clarity and provide intensity when students have a greater need. All GEAR UP students are eligible to participate in all activities though it is expected that all student may not require all that is provided by the program. The five research-based strategies are: Staffing
Staffing Staffing Structure Regional Program Coordinator – full-time, year-round staff Provide regional oversight of student services staff and implementation. Oversee the development and statewide implementation on one of the following programmatic areas Directly implement students services for GEAR UP college freshman Serve as GEAR UP Site Director at one Summer Academy each summer GUK Framework for a College-Going Culture HANDOUT GUK Six Year Schedule of Services HANDOUT Direct Services: Provide services directly to students and parents GUK 3.0 services for students and parents are designed to support five research-based strategies. Each school-based strategy encompasses an implementation plan for a customized college-going curriculum for students and parents; complementary college planning activities; assessments and instructional resources and tools; and professional development training materials. There are key topics that must be covered in each curriculum area and optional topics to add clarity and provide intensity when students have a greater need. All GEAR UP students are eligible to participate in all activities though it is expected that all student may not require all that is provided by the program. The five research-based strategies are: Staffing
Staffing Staffing Structure District Program Manager – full-time, year-round staff Schedule and facilitate school site team meetings in district schools Oversee school quarterly activity and budget planning Write and submit quarterly reports – district level Daily supervision of GEAR UP coaches Responsible for implementation of direct services for S&P in district (middle & high schools) Directly implement 12th grade services Serve as GUK Summer Academy staff GUK Framework for a College-Going Culture HANDOUT GUK Six Year Schedule of Services HANDOUT Direct Services: Provide services directly to students and parents GUK 3.0 services for students and parents are designed to support five research-based strategies. Each school-based strategy encompasses an implementation plan for a customized college-going curriculum for students and parents; complementary college planning activities; assessments and instructional resources and tools; and professional development training materials. There are key topics that must be covered in each curriculum area and optional topics to add clarity and provide intensity when students have a greater need. All GEAR UP students are eligible to participate in all activities though it is expected that all student may not require all that is provided by the program. The five research-based strategies are: Staffing
Staffing Staffing Structure Regional Parent Outreach Staff – hourly staff Recruit parents for participation in GUK services Implement regional and school parent activities GUK College Coaches – hourly staff Deliver curricula and student advising Recruit and support student ambassador teams Implement all GUK services per school quarterly activity plans Coordinate Summer Academy recruitment & registration GUK Framework for a College-Going Culture HANDOUT GUK Six Year Schedule of Services HANDOUT Direct Services: Provide services directly to students and parents GUK 3.0 services for students and parents are designed to support five research-based strategies. Each school-based strategy encompasses an implementation plan for a customized college-going curriculum for students and parents; complementary college planning activities; assessments and instructional resources and tools; and professional development training materials. There are key topics that must be covered in each curriculum area and optional topics to add clarity and provide intensity when students have a greater need. All GEAR UP students are eligible to participate in all activities though it is expected that all student may not require all that is provided by the program. The five research-based strategies are: Staffing
Partner District Requirements Principals and Superintendent must sign a MOA with CPE: Identify a Single Point of Contact at each level. Maintain open, two-way channel communication Commit to sending staff to Teacher Leader Academy (x3) Commit to participation in District Leadership Academy (x1) Commit to participation at the Institute (x5) Provide secure, regular in-school workspace Serve as local technology purchasing agent SCHOOLS SELECTION
Partner District Requirements Principals and Superintendent must sign a MOA with CPE (cont): Work in good faith with local, regional and state GUK staff to identify and support the best implementation model Provide opportunity/access for all students to complete annual survey (x2) Provide opportunity to administer CERT assessment twice annually Work with local, state and regional staff to secure transportation to grant-funded enrichment opportunities. SCHOOLS SELECTION
Partner District Requirements Document the local (school/district) process for reimbursement Identify and document in-kind match wherever and whenever possible SCHOOLS SELECTION
Only schools with 51% or more students F/RPL eligible No overlap with schools included in other GEAR UP applications* If previously involved – must have successfully completed the partnership Other factors considered: School performance on ACT College-Going Rate (lower the better) HS Graduation Rate (higher the better) Availability to identify a non-GUK match district Geographic need Resources in school Proximity to postsecondary institution GEAR UP Kentucky Demographic Profile Handout – Victoria? SCHOOLS SELECTION
Aniticipated Rollout Timeline September 2018 – Notification of funding November 2018 – Finalization of MOA and announcement of partners. Fall 2018 – Core staffing and contracting Fall 2018 – Introduce Senior Seminar to Priority Cohort/Families/Schools January 2019– Begin delivery of limited Priority Cohort Services Spring 2019 – Begin baseline data collection and local/regional implementation planning Spring 2019 – expanded staffing & staff training Late Spring 2019 – local “launch” ANTICIPATED Aniticipated Rollout Timeline
Dawn Offutt, 502.892.3048 Bruce Brooks 502.892.3013 Dawn Offutt, 502.892.3048 Next Steps
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