NHS LIFT David Goldstone 4 December 2001
Primary care estate - Condition and Suitability Why the LIFT approach? Primary care estate - Condition and Suitability Fragmentation - Wide range of providers of care Piecemeal approach - delivers inefficiently Inflexibility – long leases or ownership Specific issues in inner cities NHS Plan targets To move to integrated service plans efficient delivery mechanism
NHS LIFT objectives To contribute to the NHS Plan targets (hard and soft) To efficiently deliver local investment and improved services To provide integrated services and facilities Concentrate on areas of greatest need Complement, not replace, existing approaches - so no compulsion to be part of a LIFT
Scope of LIFT initiative Community based care facilities and services Integration with LA services, voluntary sector etc Local services determined by local requirements 6 initial schemes (covering existing HA areas) then…. …rapid roll out to priority areas Open-ended
Progress already made Legislation passed DoH enabling funding Initial schemes working up service plans, consulting with local teams, practitioners etc Prospectus, conferences and consultation Partnerships for Health established as national “delivery vehicle” Standard documentation, developed and consulted on 2nd wave of schemes planned for end of the year
Local Service delivery - the LIFT A joint venture between The HA, PCTs, LAs and other stakeholders eg individual practitioners A private sector partner Partnerships for Health Long term relationship to deliver investment/services…. ….that fall out of local health strategic plans A strategic partner for the locality