Welcome To Third Grade!
2018-2019 Third Grade! Ms. Johnson!
Academic Program 12:00-12:55 Connections Drama/Creative Writing – Monday’s P.E. – Tuesday’s and Thursday’s Art – Wednesday’s Media – Friday’s
Common Daily Routines Students are to follow the hallway expectations. Silent in the hallway; Hands down by their sides or in their pockets; Stand/walk on the third tile; and Facing forward at all times. Students are given the opportunity to use the restroom before entering the classroom, before or after lunch, and before or after connections. The school will ClassDojo to document student behavior.
Weekly Agendas – Student Planner Students will be given a weekly agenda, contract, detailing homework expectations. Students will also be given a student planner. The purpose of the student planner is to teach students life-long organizational skills and to be held accountable for their work by parents and teachers. Parents are expected to review homework and sign the student planner each night. Please do not sign the student planner for the entire week.
Binders! Please help students keep their binders neat and organized. Clean out consistently, but do not throw away any academic work. Binder pouches should contain: 2 pencils (mechanical pencils are allowed), 2 highlighters, 1 big eraser, 1 glue stick, and a pair of scissors.
English Language Arts Third Grade English Language Arts (ELA) is more that just reading and writing. It includes skills like speaking, listening, and viewing as well. ELA offers us a way to communicate. Through ELA, your child can apply what she/he learns to solve real problems at home, at school and in the community. This year our 3rd graders have a huge responsibility to apply what they know and what they will be taught on the Georgia Milestones.
Mathematics = +, -, x, ÷, <, >, ... Must Do’s. = Keep an organized notebook, write class notes, write math facts and study/review Daily Math Concepts from class that day. = 20 minutes a day. Parents are vital to our students success, so please initiate Math thinking and behaviors when you are out and about at the grocery store, fast food, cleaning the kitchen...
Science The students will participate in the science fair project. Information will be sent home when it is time to begin. The project will be due in February.
Social Studies Welcome to third grade social studies! Our goal is to help students become productive citizens. This year we will be studying the following units: Connecting Themes, Colonial Life in America, One Vote, Two Votes, I Vote, You Vote, Economics, & Oh, The Places You’ll Go.
Writing We will write narratives, informational, and opinion essays. Students will complete additional writing assignments in each core subject. At the end of each unit students will complete a performance task.
Standards Based Report Cards - What is the rating scale? Grading Policy Standards Based Report Cards - What is the rating scale? Level 1 = Beginning Learners do not yet demonstrate proficiency in the knowledge and skills necessary at this grade level and content area of learning, as specified in Georgia’s content standards. The students need substantial academic support to be prepared for the next grade level and to be on track for college and career readiness. Level 2 = Developing Learners demonstrate partial proficiency in the knowledge and skills necessary at this grade level and content area of learning, as specified in Georgia’s content standards. The students need additional academic support to ensure success in the next grade level and to be on track for college and career readiness. Level 3 = Proficient Learners demonstrate proficiency in the knowledge and skills necessary at this grade level and content area of learning, as specified in Georgia’s content standards. The students are prepared for the next grade level and are on track for college and career readiness. Level 4 = Distinguished Learners demonstrate advanced proficiency in the knowledge and skills necessary at this grade level and content area of learning, as specified in Georgia’s content standards. The students are well prepared for the next grade level and are well prepared for college and career readiness. Sign up for infinite campus to have grades/updates sent to your phone!
Homework Policy English Language Arts and Math homework is assigned Monday’s – Saturday’s. Science and Social Studies homework is assigned as needed. Projects, essays, and presentations will be assigned in advance and students are expected to work on them at home.
Testing Schedule DATA: i-Ready diagnostic test BOY (Beginning of Year) MOY (Middle of Year) & EOY (End of Year) We are currently testing until 9/7/18. The data from i-Ready tests are used to determine the student’s Lexile scores for reading comprehension and quantile scores for math. This test will determine if a student is operating on a higher or lower grade level. The i-Ready data will also be used when planning lessons and remediation. Georgia Milestones (GMAS) May 2019. Students must pass to be promoted to grade 4. Unit Exams in each subject. Dates are TBA.
Reading Strategies Summarizing. Sequencing. Inferencing. Comparing and contrasting. Drawing conclusions. Self-questioning. Problem-solving. Make a connection. Wondering/Questioning Predicting Re-reading/monitoring
Math Strategies Constructed Response
Textbooks ELA- workbook. Math- Textbook & workbook. Science-Textbook assigned. Social Studies- No assigned textbook. Library Books- students will visit the library during connections. Students are able to check out two books at a time, but only one can remain in their bookbags.
Supplies 4 packs of loose leaf notebook paper (wide-ruled) 1 ½ inch binder 3 packs of pencils 1 pair of child’s scissors Erasers Highlighter(s) Folders with pockets 10 Marble composition notebooks: (2) for each subject One box colored pencils Three boxes 24 count crayons One zippered pencil bag (no pencil box) 2 pairs of ear buds (one pair for 1st semester and one pair for 2nd semester) 1 flashdrive/jumpdrive 1 pack of copy paper 2 glue sticks *Wish List • Facial tissue • Hand sanitizer • Clorox wipes • Paper towels • 1 box of sandwich size Ziploc bags • 3 expo dry erase markers
Volunteers-See Ms. Tara Munns (Parent Facilitator!) Volunteers are welcome at Meadowbrook. Potential volunteers are required to complete training with Richmond County. Please see our parent facilitator, Ms. Tara Munns, for more information.
Discipline Positive behavior will be rewarded quarterly with a PBIS party during the school day. Negative behavior will be documented in student agendas and points will be deducted from daily conduct grades.
Webpages/Contact Info (706) 796-4915 Name Email Ms. Johnson johnsch2@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us
Questions, comments, or concerns.